Italy 24 Press News

“Spending over 435 euros”. Here are the 10 most expensive cities in Italy

L’inflation still high, it continues to put Italians to the test, forced to deal with prices that are sometimes truly prohibitive; However, there are some cities that are experiencing the effects of the high cost of living more than others, as emerges from a recent analysis carried out by the National Consumers Union (UNC).

The association, which has the specific task of protecting and representing i consumers through assistance and information activities, it has in fact published a list of the Italian cities where life costs the most.

The top 10, who’s at the top

Based on the territorial data transmitted by Istat regarding last month’s inflation, UNC has drawn up a list taking into account those localities that have a number greater than 150 thousand inhabitants. We find this at the top of the ranking Parma And Rimini, which have an inflation rate of 1.6%, with an average expenditure of 435 euros on an annual basis. Immediately after, in second place, we find Venice, with inflation of 1.4% and an average expense of 369 euros per family. Finally, it comes in third place Florencewhich has inflation at 1.4%, but an expense of 366 euros which earned it third place.

Moving down the ranking, we have Cagliari, with inflation at 1.5%, and spending at 312 euros, and Padua, with +1.2% and 308 euros of average spending per family. Next is Trieste, with inflation at 1.2% and 293 euros as average expenditure. Then Milan and Naples, with an additional expense of 286 euros. Finally we have Verona, with a plus 1.1% and 283 euros of spending, Perugia, with a plus 1.1% and 270 euros of spending, and Rome, with a plus 0.9%, and 233 euros of additional spending. It is possible to save more in Aosta, with a saving of around 156 euros, in Campobasso, with -0.5% and in Ancona, -0.2%.

The most expensive regions

Expanding the scope of the search, we discover that at the top of the ranking of the most expensive regions is the Venetowith annual inflation of +1.3%.

Next is the Tuscany, with +1.1%. Finishes in third placeEmilia Romagnawith +0.9%. Faring much better in terms of prices are Valle d’Aosta, with a deflation of -0.8%, Molise (-0.4%), and Abruzzo.

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