Italy 24 Press News

branches with smart working and short 4-day weeks are increasing – FIRST CISL

The agreement signed a year ago is extended to another 329 branches. The perimeter of the branches that will work with 9-hour working hours spread over 4 days has also been expanded. From next autumn it will also be the turn of smaller ones

First Cisl and the other credit unions have signed with the Intesa Sanpaolo Group an agreement that extends the experimentation on smart working already started with the agreement signed a year ago.

In particular, the right to one day of smart working will be guaranteed to the staff of another 329 branches. For 70 of these we start as early as July. Furthermore, the perimeter of the branches in which workers will be able to work with the 4×9 schedule will also be expanded: these are approximately a further 230 branches, with a workforce of over 20 units, starting from July. Starting next autumn, the same option will be tested in some smaller branches (with staff from 8 to 19 units), without any days being closed to the public.

“The recognition of the right of access to smart working, obtained by contract for a wider category of workers, is a further step forward, which demonstrates the quality of the work of the social partners. It is the best evidence of the practical significance of the primacy of collective bargaining. Climate and organizational well-being are pursued with negotiating tools, and the social partners, in our sector, demonstrate that they are equipped to face the challenges of the times”, he states Domenico IodiceFirst Cisl national coordinator.

“As stated yesterday during the hearing at the Labor Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, we are proud of the work done in the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, which has allowed us to research and find new flexibility tools for our colleagues – he declared Faithful Trotta, secretary responsible for First Cisl of the Isp Group – and with today’s agreement we significantly increase the number of branches in which the new tools will be usable. Finally, the joint desire to further increase the new flexibilities in the network in the future is important”.

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