Away with the tricolour: the Incredibles really took it away, after the vibrant controversy they removed the Italian flag

After the heated controversies of recent weeks, Stellantis has made the final decision: the tricolor will no longer appear on the new Fiat 600

It’s official: the new Fiat 600 says goodbye to the Italian flag. The decision of Stellantistaken after the heated controversy of recent weeks, has raised a heated debate that goes beyond the simple aesthetic question.

On the one hand, there are those who cry betrayal, accusing the automotive group of having distorted the Italian identity of the historic car. The tricolorfor many, represented an indispensable symbol, a visceral connection with the origins and the history of the Fiat brand. His disappearance is seen as an act of renunciation of one’s roots, a surrender to commercial pressure and the diktat of “Made in Italy“.

On the other side, Stellantis defends his choice, underlining that the Fiat 600 remains an Italian car to all intents and purposes, designed and designed in Italy by Fiat Style Center. The tricolorwe read in an official note, was “just a decorative element“, the absence of which does not change in any way the Italian nature of the product.

The issue, however, is more complex. The presence of tricolor on the bodywork it was not just an aesthetic quirk, but represented added value for the brand, a distinctive element capable of arouse emotions and to strengthen the bond with consumers.

Remove the tricolor from the Fiat 600: a warning for everyone

Remove the tricolor means to deprive Fiat 600 of a part of her identity, of that charm that made her aicon of Made in Italy in the world. Furthermore, the choice of Stellantis opens a dangerous precedent: if the tricolor it cannot be displayed on a car produced abroad by an Italian company, what will happen to others symbolic products of our country?

The story pushes us to reflect on the true meaning of “Made in Italy” and on the value of the symbols that represent our identity. In a globalized world, where production is increasingly fragmented, it becomes essential to be able to distinguish the essence from what is accessory. The tricolor on the Fiat 600 it was perhaps just a detail, but a detail that mattered.

In addition to the identity debate, the matter also takes on a commercial relevance. The choice of Stellantis could have a negative impact on sales of the Fiat 600especially in Italy, where the tricolor represents an indispensable value for many consumers. It remains to be seen whether the automaker will be able to convince the public with its arguments or whether the loss of the tricolor will result in a real commercial boomerang.

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