IT Wallet, European law in force

With the new legislation, electronic wallets become mandatory throughout Europe, but Italy seems for once even ahead of schedule

The new one came into force on May 20th European directive on digital identitywhich requires Member States to offer their citizens and residents by 2026 At least one wallet for digital identity. Italy will also have to do it and, for once, our country is absolutely in line with the times set by Europe.

The Italian wallet will be called IT Wallet and will be technically compatible with the system EU Digital Identity Wallet (EUDIW, or EUDI Wallet) which will have legal value in all states of the Union. Times are very tight: in Italy we will start already this summer.

What is a wallet

The English term “wallet” It means walletan object inside which both ours and ours find a place money that ours most important documentsthe ones we use most often and that we need to carry with us.

This same concept is also applied by the system EUDI Wallet: it is a’app within which the citizen inserts his documents to no longer need to physically carry them with him.

Inside a wallet you can insert the identity cardthe driver’s licenseThe passport the qualifications and professional, but also possible biometric data, like a fingerprint. Furthermore, through the wallet you will be able to electronically sign and seal public documents and interact with the Public Administration.

All in a safe way, with encryption systems robust and effective data in order to prevent a hacker from stealing our wallet from also stealing our identity and a lot of money.

In fact, through the wallet, which contains all our data and identifies us securely on the Internet, it will also be possible stipulate contracts, request financingopen and close bank accountsall online and also from a European state different from the one in which these operations are carried out.

European wallet for money?

The EUDIW project explicitly provides that, within the wallet, the citizen will also be able to insert his own credit and debit cards and even the digital coins. At the moment, however, all this is only on paper.

In fact, to insert payment cards, it will first be necessary to develop a system connection with national banking circuits and with the large American payment circuits. A job that still needs to be done.

As regards the digital currencieshowever, the currencies themselves are still missing: a complex legal-economic process is underway which will lead to the birth of theDigital eurobut its finalization was postponed a few weeks ago and it will now be up to the new European Parliament and the new Commission to make the final decisions.

IT Wallet, the Italian wallet

The system EUDIW it will help the various people communicate with each other national walletsgiven that each Member State will have to launch at least one by 2026. Il Italian wallet it will be called IT Wallet and will be integrated into theIO appalready used by millions of citizens to access Public Administration services online.

In a recent interview, the undersecretary of the Prime Minister with responsibility for technological innovation, Alessio Buttiexplained that the system already exists at a good point.

Within July 2024 the digital versions of the health card, the driving license and the European disability card will be activated. At the same time, the first tests will begin, and then the audience of users will be expanded starting from September 2024.

By the end of the year, all the implementing decrees with the IT Wallet operating rules will be approved and published and, January 2025all Italian citizens will be able to activate IT Wallet via CIE or SPID and start using it via the IO app.

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