Italy 24 Press News

“So…star among books”, literary festival in Pollenza

The literary festival “So…star tra i libri” kicks off tomorrow, Saturday, June 29, in Pollenza. The second edition offers a calendar full of events for adults and children. It starts on Saturday, June 29, at 4:30 pm, with the inauguration of the exhibition-market in the cloister of Santissimi Francesco e Antonio where some publishing houses from the Marche and local artisans will be present.

The exhibition-market will be set up with the furniture made available by the antique dealers of Pollenza. At the same time, it will be open to the public, in the premises in via Roma nn. 73-75, the photographic exhibition “The caravan of saved art” curated by Legambiente Marche and with shots by Luca Marcantonelli and Lucia Paciaroni which retrace the recovery and safety operations of cultural assets kept in churches, museums and art galleries in the municipalities hit by the 2016 earthquake.

The first event on Saturday is open to adults and children. At 5pm, the presentation of If a crocodile knocked on your door (Rrose Sélavy) by Massimo De Nardo with illustrations by Gio Pistone. Immediately after the presentation of the book, the “creative workshop of encounters between words, colors, paper and… the smell of rosemary!” will be held! edited by Stefania Pietrani and the organizing committee. Reservations are recommended by writing to [email protected]. At 6:30 pm it is the turn of children aged 10 and over with the presentation of the comic Nove Maghi di Trench Ibiza and the comics laboratory edited by Jazz Manciola e TommyGun. In this case, booking is necessary by writing to [email protected].

At 9pm there will be a presentation of the book L’olivastro (effequ) by Marta Zura-Puntaroni accompanied by the musical intervals of Nazzareno Zacconi. The book is in the finalist trio of the Flaiano International Prize for Fiction and Italian Studies, for the under 35 category and the winner will be announced on Sunday 30 June at the Aurum in Pescara. Sunday 30th June the festival opens with Alessandro Riccioni which offers a traveling presentation of the album La strada (Lupoguido) and other stories. “Where the road takes us… between alleys and cobblestones” is aimed at families with boys and girls and at all those who want to immerse themselves in the country in an unusual way.

“So…Star tra i libri” will end with a dialogue between Matthew Petracciauthor of Partisans from Overseas. From the Horn of Africa to the Italian Resistance (Pacini publisher), and Sonia Maria Luce Possentini, author of Nom de guerre Nero (Rrose Sélavy). The meeting is organized in collaboration with Anpi-section of Pollenza and will be moderated by Francesco Rocchetti, provincial president of Anpi. Over the two days, bars, pubs and restaurants will offer literary-themed aperitifs and dinners. Each activity has chosen a book to inspire them to create a menu and booking is mandatory. Furthermore, on those days, Pollenza will be enriched by many phrases taken from books scattered among houses and shops.

The presentations will be entrusted to Alessandro Farinellia teacher of Philosophy and History, passionate about literature, and who has been collaborating for years in the organization of cultural events related to the territory. The festival is organized in collaboration with the Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism Sciences of the University of Macerata, the cultural association ConTesto, the Macerata Racconta festival, Anpi – Pollenza section, Legambiente Marche Onlus and the Pro Rambona association and with the patronage of the Regional Council – Legislative Assembly of the Marche and the Italian Association of Libraries-Marche. Free admission. Info: [email protected] .

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