Italy 24 Press News

“Reduced waiting times and more transparent process”

From the next school year, there will be a new way of managing book coupons for primary schools in Chieti. In September, in fact, a digital coupon will take the place of the paper coupon, which will no longer be necessary to distribute to each student.

“This is a great change that will allow us to simplify and speed up the transitions between school-booksellers-families-Municipality – announce Mayor Diego Ferrara and Councilor for Public Education Teresa Giammarino – In essence, to request books, families will have to simply go to the bookshop with the student’s tax code. The bookseller, once registered on the “Comune Facile Smart PA” platform, by accessing the website https//, will be able to deliver the requested books. An important step, built through sharing with all interested parties, schools first and foremost, because to start this system it is essential that the school sends the files with student data to the Municipality, following the example of the fictitious students already included in the document. The adopted books present in the digital coupon will be uploaded to the new platform directly from the MIUR database, which contains the classes, sections and related book adoptions transmitted by the school secretariats by June 7th”.

“As far as bookshops are concerned – the administrators further explain – by accessing the site after a simple registration, they will be able to enter the student’s tax code and will be able to view the coupon online. The platform will also facilitate the merchants in reporting the coupons and in issuing the invoice to the Municipality. Speaking of payments, the resolution that closes the reimbursements of lower and upper secondary school textbooks for 2023/24 has been issued in recent days, over 350 mandates have already been issued. paid last week to the families. As for the bookshops, we will meet them again to give more information about the timing and methods of the new system, which we hope will be fully operational immediately, so that there is no premature disbursement on the part of the families. , as established by law”.

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