Italy 24 Press News

In bookstores «Hope for all», the new book by Monsignor Fisichella towards the Holy Year

It is available from Tuesday 25 June in Sperare bookstores for everyone. Human words on hope, the new book by the Pro-prefect of the Dicastery for Evangelization, HE Mons. Rino Fisichella, responsible for the organization of the 2025 Jubilee. It is an anthology, published by the Libreria Editrice Vaticana, in preparation to the Holy Year. Year in which all believers will be called to become “Pilgrims of hope” in the world and towards Rome.

We all need hope but, when asked what it is, we struggle to explain it. Hope is often indefinite and indefinable, but we know that without it we could not live. We begin to understand something if we think that we are pilgrims in this life, and not aimless wanderers. And that, for the Christian, it is in close connection with faith and charity: their implementation makes the believer credible.

In the pages of the volume, Monsignor Fisichella accompanies the reader in meditating on the human and Christian act of hoping. Not only by relying on the Word of God, but also by gathering the echo of truth that many authors have disseminated in their literary works. Different voices are therefore speaking about hope, such as Charles Péguy and Francesco Alberoni, Hesiod and Augustine, Ignazio Silone and Pope Francis, Fernando Pessoa and Jürgen Moltmann, and several others. This polyphony of perspectives, according to the author, becomes “the tangible sign of men and women who have hoped, desiring a different present and a better future”.

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