Italy 24 Press News

Olgiate: Giovanni Galaffu, protagonist of the book “Let’s go calmly”, has died at the age of 64

From its history and its teachings his sister Cecilia had made a book out of it to tell everyone what difficulties families of children with disabilities face and how important it is to be satisfied with small joys in life. The book “Let’s go slowly!” now it will remain forever and with it also a part of the protagonist, Giovanni Galaffuwhich is now no longer there. A sudden illness took him away from life when he was only 64 years old precisely on the day of Saint John, his name day.

“His presence made all of us, his family, and all the people who knew him better,” said his sister Cecilia, remembering with love and affection her brother who had a special life made up of family, study, work, holidays and passions, even if there were difficulties.

After attending the Treves De Sanctis school in Milan, Giovanni began working and for 30 years he was independent when traveling by public transport. As told by his sister Cecilia in the book “Let’s go calmly!”, at a certain point Giovanni was fired together with other colleagues and unfortunately from there his life began to decline and a reorganization was necessary. His sister recounted precisely this “reorganization” in the book, which was also written in some parts by Giovanni himself, who loved writing and did it every day, just as he loved playing, singing and binding volumes.

For some time Giovanni Galaffu’s conditions had worsened, which is why he had been a guest of the RSD in Perledo for two years but, despite everything, he had no significant worsening. Last Monday 24 June, however, a sudden illness struck him and was fatal. His funeral will be celebrated on Wednesday 26 June at 3pm at the parish church of Olgiate Molgora, the town where he was originally from.


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