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5 books to read when you feel alone

Sometimes it’s healthy, therapeutic. Like silence, and like all those occasions in which we are forced, willy-nilly, to listen to each other deeply, to know each other, to understand each other. But sometimes loneliness is difficult to face and heavy to bear. If you are experiencing a period of loneliness and need company to feel better, continue reading our article, in which we advise you 5 books to read when you feel alone.

5 recommended books to read if you feel alone

“The sound of solitude” by Michele Marziani

Let’s begin our short journey to discover books to read when you feel alone with an important read, which reveals the positive side of solitude.

The «Small travel philosophy» series invites the writer Michele Marziani to show us the fascinating sides of solitude, a tiring but beautiful dimension that helps to overcome the fear of the world, makes creative thinking travel, gives freedom and the desire to do, provided to be honest with yourself.

“Changing Water for Flowers” ​​by Valérie Perrin

“Changing the water for the flowers” ​​was an editorial case in France and, to tell the truth, throughout Europe. One of the best-selling books of recent years. The story told by Valérie Perrin is sweet, melancholic, delicate and moving. And she has a lot to do with loneliness and the unexplored territory that hides inside each of us.

Violette Toussaint is the guardian of a cemetery in a small town in Burgundy. She reminds you a little of Renée, the protagonist of theHedgehog elegancebecause like her, behind a sloppy appearance, she hides a great personality and a story full of mysteries.

During visits to their loved ones, many people come to visit this beautiful, cheerful, big-hearted woman in her house, who always has a kind word for everyone, is always ready to offer a hot coffee or a cordial.

“The route to Lepanto” by Paolo Rumiz

Among the books we recommend for those who feel alone there is also this booklet by Paolo Rumiz, a precious reportage that makes loneliness one of its key points.

The heart of this journey is the meeting with men and women of the sea, following the traces of the Serenissima scattered everywhere and with the melancholy that only the horizon can give you.

There are lonely bays, stops in taverns, sailors of few words. And then there are the places: Venice, the Arsenals, Porec, Pula, the Kvarner, Lussino, Ragusa, the Bocche di Kotor, Corfu, places full of history, beauty, colors and strong flavours.

And again, the peoples, those who evoke never-dormant imagery such as the Morlacchi, the Turks, the Slavs and a land, that of the Balkans, which has just emerged from one of the great tragedies of the twentieth century.

“Travelling with My Aunt” by Graham Greene

You may be wondering what one of Graham Greene’s books is doing among those selected for those who feel alone. “Travelling with my aunt” tells one of the most surprising aspects of loneliness: often, this condition opens us to new routes, to unexpected paths that make us meet our true self.

“Traveling with my aunt” is, on the contrary, an adventurous and comical book. Mr Pulling, a fifty-year-old bank manager in early retirement, meets his aunt Augusta at his mother’s funeral, who had disappeared from the family’s circle since the birth of her nephew.

The dazzling seventy-five year old immediately drags the shy Henry into the cyclone of her ever-moving life. He is quiet and conformist, awkward with women and with life, he spends his solitary retirement growing dahlias and exchanging correspondence with Miss Keene who represents the personification of the missed sentimental opportunity.

“Our Souls at Night” by Kent Haruf

Finally, among the selected books we leave you with a piece of advice that smacks of sweetness and second chances. Because, despite everything, hope must never be lost.

It is in the small town of Holt, Colorado, that one day Addie Moore pays an unexpected visit to her neighbor, Louis Waters. The two are both getting on in years, widowers, and their days have been emptied of tasks and opportunities. Addie’s proposal is scandalous and direct: do you want to spend the nights with me? Thus begins a story of intimacy, friendship and love, made up of stories whispered in the light of the stars and small gestures of thoughtfulness.

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