Italy 24 Press News

Emily Mignanelli presents her new book in Montegiorgio

Emily Mignanelli she is an pedagogist, but she is also a well-known and respected writer.

In the Marche region, anyone who deals with children – parent, educator, teacher – hardly knows who Emily Mignanelli is.

The forgotten age” is her latest book, published by Feltrinelli, and the author will present it at Montegiorgio (FM) Wednesday 19 June.

Presentation of the book in Montegiorgio

The event is organized by the educational reality “Stone upon Stone“, coordinated by Sabrina Senzacquawho strongly wanted this meeting.

The appointment is part of the cycle of meetings with pedagogy to rediscover childhood and what influences adulthood organized by the reality that Sabrina deals with.

The location of the event is in via San Giorgio 1 B, home of Stone upon Stone and it will start at 6.00 pm.

For further information you can send a message or call 3339686874.

Facebook page Pietra Su Pietra

During the presentation there will be the opportunity to listen to and meet the author, who, by talking about her work, will give everyone plenty of food for thought for those embarking on a path of growth and discovery.

The presentation is open to everyone, in particular to parents, educators and anyone dealing with childhood, but also with their own personal path of evolution.

The Forgotten Age by Emily Mingnanelli

Emily Mignanelli claims that to feel better we should rely on the best therapists around: children.

Emily Mignanelli’s book is like a journey to reconstruct one’s personal and family history: we are children, we have all been children and the little one precedes the big one.

Children have no superstructures and are able to find the most effective solutions. Game, word, truth are their trump cards.

Emily Mignanelli believes in the infinite human potential expressed by children.

According to her, social renewal, aimed at the well-being we all need, must start from childhood and from the contribution of pedagogy to everyday life.

Who is Emily Mignanelli

Teacher and pedagogist, from a small experimental project started in the heart of a public garden in 2009 she created in Osimo Serendipity.

It is a school for children and young people aged three to fourteen based on the principles of Dynamic pedagogy.

In fact, Emily follows a systemic educational approach that she developed which combines innovative teaching, neuroscientific research and autobiographical work.

He also deals with teacher training and parental support, dedicating much of his time to what he defines as “preventive pedagogy”.

Preventive pedagogy is the dissemination of simple pedagogical tools, usable for parents and adults dealing with their own childhood.

Emily also founded the center Coralwhere adults are rehabilitated from their childhood, to welcome the children present who today need support in their growth.

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