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Souls in conversation with the truth in Roberto Pulcini’s book

What would happen if one day we became aware that decisive aspects of our lives, facts, people, situations, did not go as we have always known, appreciated or feared them? If they showed us the vision of a different reality and in any case no longer editable? What would happen to us? Questions of meaning. He puts them on Roberto PulciniRoman, graduated in literature, with five novels to his credit, author of A particular conversationpublished with Graus Editions. The title is particular and the plot is particular, because the characters are not flesh and blood protagonists, but souls. Souls to which Roberto Pulcini offers “his” vision of the afterlife, that journey into the future imagined by so much literature, celebrated in faiths, discussed and even removed, which nevertheless presents itself again. And it comes up again in the text of this one writer which, distancing itself from everyday chaos, rises above material divisions to investigate the profound humanthere, where the heavens begin.

“I have spent part of my earthly existence in constant search for the truth. I looked for it by weighing facts, reasoning, deductions, suspicions, anxieties, fears. Sometimes I felt close to it, other times less so, but only now do I realize how much it was mine effort was in vain and illusory”, says the writer on its back cover. He wants to accompany the reader in the third dimensionwhere they end the materialismthe superstructures and where he imagines souls to whom it is granted review your life. In truth. And who can ever grant this possibility? Roberto Pulcini doesn’t put things in the foreground the divinein short, is not a story about the meeting between the man And God. The modernity of Pulcini’s “interview”. lies in narrating the sequel of the soul, which after Emmanuel Kant, Friedrich Hegel and all philosophy and theology does not end with the body. But, leaving the body, the soul begins its longest journey, with the burden of life.

And if the afterlife were made precisely of this introspective, real nature, if the flesh and voluptuousness were eliminated, what truly was and which we don’t fully know remained, would we want to see it? This is the question that runs between the protagonists. “It’s not obvious,” explains Pulcini, “why relive it means reclaiming emotions, but there is also pain, fatigue and above all the immutable. There is no life, there is no more hope. What is, was. But since the divine for me is benevolent, I believe it leaves us to choose whether to know everything by going into the bowels of our own truth or to accept”. With this author the Iplac Club concludes his presentations for the summer break and also takes a breather Horafelix literary caféthe library of Maurizio Messina which hosts the meetings. Perhaps it is no coincidence that we are meeting with these questions of meaning for September. “To write this anime plot I had to imagine the profiles, thinking about how many they have had the sad experience of a dear and near person who passed away. And I was touched by the fact that a reader friend, who had recently lost her husband, confirmed to me that she found herself in her text, because she had experienced exactly those sensations”. It is a multi-layered story: there is much that is real about the lives that inevitably flow, including various autobiographical aspects and historical references. For example, there is a reference to Liliana Segre’s familycaught in her escape between How And Varese. “I had read an article about Courier, The professionals of hate, which explained how some informers had been paid to expose Jews. And reference was also made to the Segres on the run in 1944″.

So does the truth exist? We believe it will exist a later, clear and immutable, with which we fear to deal? “We believe we know the truth, even about ourselves,” comments the author. “But that’s not always the case. There is a destiny, we often live in relation to others, we hide or we just don’t really know how things went. I do, I’d like to know, the weight of the past is not stronger than the desire of emotions. It was living, it was me and history.” In addition to the questions asked by Loredana D’Alfonsoreadings of passages by Massimo Chiacchiararelli and the management of Valeria Bellobonothe writer, poet, philosopher Franco Campegiani addressed the topic with the quote from 33rd Canto of Paradisein which Dante Alighieri pray for the Virgin intercede to face the mysteries, seeing the three circles of Trinity. “And what does he see in the second circle, a reflection of the first, if not that a human figure that explains the mystery of the Incarnationbut also that the truth is ourselves, our profound conscience in the image of the divine?”.

A particular conversation

by Roberto Pulcini, Graus Edizioni, 140 pages, 15 euros

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