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Il Resegone: the Bellavite book with a discount for Cittadino readers

It is one of the most loved profiles of Brianza: just look north and it is there, recognisable, very recognisable, starting from its name. The Resegone. It is dedicated to Lecco mountains the fourth editorial proposal daughter of the alliance between the citizenon the occasion of its 125th anniversary of foundation, and another historical reality of the territory, Bellavite. And it arrives, among other things, precisely in the weeks of June in which the now legendary race takes place Monza-Resegonethe night team race invented by the Monza Mountaineers Society which is now in its 62nd edition.

The book is in fact from the publisher of Missaglia ed it can be purchased from the Il Cittadino editorial office (viale Elvezia 2, Monza) at the promotional price of 17 euros against the 35 on the cover, therefore 50% discount and more.

Il Resegone: the Bellavite book signed by Angelo Sala

“The profile dearest to Lombards” reads the subtitle of the volume edited by Angelo Salawith photographs by Duilio Costa And Giandomenico Spreaficowhich in 175 pages large format tells “the mountain of Manzoni“, the San Martino valley, the Albenza and “a mountain of history in the center of Lombardy”, the Imagna Valley and its stones, the Brambilla and Taleggio valleys, the termenù and the “pleasure of walking”, as well as Morterone , Brumano and the Resegone ring where you can “listen to the silence”.

The book Il Resegone di Bellavite: 50% discount in the Il Cittadino editorial office

«Destination for nostalgic poets and artists, who on its crags seek and find health, inspiration, love and adventure, with walks for all tastes, from hikes to the lowest altitudes, where you can breathe deeply the scents of the woods, to excursions at higher altitudes, often along ancient paths – writes the author -. They are the peaks and rocks dear to the writer Alessandro Manzoni, the abbot Antonio Stoppani, the geologist Mario Cermenati. They are the mountains on which the mountaineering traditions and glories of the people of Lecco were nurtured.”

Resegone, Manzoni’s mountain and its secrets

Manzoni tells of “many of its crowns in a row, which actually make it look like a saw” and that “it is not who, at first seeing it, as long as it is from the front, as for example on the walls of Milan which look to the north, not distinguish it immediately, at such a mark, in that long and vast dewlap, from the other mountains of more obscure name and more common shape”.

«II Resegonewith its characteristic toothed crest – eleven cusps, the highest of which is Punta Cermenati, 1875 meters – is an unmistakable point of reference in the varied panorama of the Lombardy Prealps. A mountain with a massive and rough appearance which however softens its angular nature in the relaxing atmosphere of sunsets. It is in fact made up of a dolomitic limestone rock, similar to that of much more celebrated Alpine peaks – he writes again Angelo Sala -. Even if it is difficult to imagine, the Resegone emerged from the sea a hundred million years ago and then “slipped” until it settled in its current position which allows you to enjoy a splendid panorama: the plain, Lecco, Brianza and, in distance, the Alps with Monte Rosa”.

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