Italy 24 Press News

Friday 7 June at the Duse Theater in Cortemaggiore the presentation of the book “Never again alone and without affection”

The painful story of the families of patients who died of Covid who were taken away from their homes and never returned. The memory of the experience of healthcare workers, doctors and nurses, who found themselves overnight having to face a pandemic patient of enormous proportions.

The absolute lack of data and scientific references regarding the virus. Difficulty in managing care and patients. There is no certain data regarding effective drugs that could combat the disease and save lives.

Briefly, this is the nightmare scenario that arose in February 2020 with the discovery of patient zero infected with Covid 19 in Codogno, a stone’s throw from Piacenza.

This scenario is the framework from which the testimony volume entitled “Never again alone and without affection” took shape, edited by Antonella Lenti and published by Amop (Association of cancer patients) to which the proceeds from the sale will go.

The book will be presented next June 7th at 9pm at the Duse Theater in Cortemaggiore in an evening in which Nicoletta Bracchi, Telelibertà journalist, will lead the conversation with the author Antonella Lenti and professor Luigi Cavanna who started the visits to home of Covid patients, an initiative from Piacenza with wide resonance in Italy and around the world. In fact, everyone will remember the Time cover dedicated to Professor Cavanna.

The evening, which will have the patronage of the Municipality of Cortemaggiore, includes the reading of some passages from the book by the Demetra reading group directed by Fiorella Bia and musical interludes by Nicolò Cavaliere.

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