«Caterina Costa’s tragedy, the investigative book is praiseworthy»

«Caterina Costa’s tragedy, the investigative book is praiseworthy»
«Caterina Costa’s tragedy, the investigative book is praiseworthy»

«”Commendable”: Professor Luciano Canfora defined the historical essay “Caterina Costa, the ship of mysteries” in this way in a letter». The author Mark Liguoria Neapolitan journalist, describes the prestigious recognition for his book that came from one of the most illustrious history professors in our country: «I sent the professor a copy of my book and a few days ago I received his response by email. I couldn’t believe my eyes: one of the greatest Italian historians wrote to thank me and to express his appreciation for my work. This positive evaluation by Professor Canfora is worth more than a degree. I am happy that he defined as “commendable” my historical reconstruction of a tragedy that occurred on March 28, 1943 in the port of Naples. Unfortunately, historiography has not given due importance to this terrible event of the Second World War despite the enormous number of victims, the numerous devastations in the city of Naples, and the heavy military consequences it had on the troops of Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany engaged on the front in Tunisia. It is a defense of the memory of all this».

Marco Liguori has received several awards so far: «I won the Premio Acqui Edito&Inedito 2022 for the historical essays section. I obtained the mention in the Special Award “Best Essay” in the 15th “Franco Loi” Literary Competition in Grottammare (Ascoli Piceno). I came in fourth place ex aequo with a diploma of merit for the “Published Works” section in the International Literary Award “Italian Authors” at the Turin International Book Fair. I came in fifth place overall in the “World War II Books” section in the third edition of the International Literary Award “18 May” of the National Association of Victims of the “Marocchinate”. Finally, last June 15, I achieved fourth place ex aequo in the National Literary Award “Michele Selvaggio”, established by the Historical Institute of Sannio Telesino.

And now? Marco Liguori admits: «I’m starting to think about my next work. And I hope that some film or fiction producer will notice my book on the story of the merchant Caterina Costa and can draw a subject from it for an important work».


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