Presentation of the book “Africa, there and back” at Va Oltre

Presentation of the book “Africa, there and back” at Va Oltre
Presentation of the book “Africa, there and back” at Va Oltre

It is scheduled for Tuesday 2nd Julyat 20.30 at It goes beyond – The Bovolenta Estate (Pd), the presentation of the book “Africa, outward and return” edited by Doctors with Africa Cuamm, published by Laterza.

The meeting is part of the “The Future is in Our Hands. Intergenerational Encounter” promoted by Coldiretti Padova, Coldiretti Women Business, Coldiretti Young Business and Coldiretti Pensionersfor a wide-ranging comparison with farmers of all ages and dialogue with some guests.

The meeting will be attended by Father Dante Carrarodirector of Cuamm, together to Silvia Rizzetto and Pietro Gottardoa young couple from Padua, with experience as aid workers in South Sudan with Doctors with Africa. She is an administrator and he is a nurse. Last year, they left to work in Lui’s hospital in Western Equatoria.

Their story will be accompanied by those collected in the book “Africa, outward and return”: thirty CUAMM aid workers, Italian and non-Italian, with different origins and aspirations, they tell their experience in epistolary format, their emotions, the stories they have encountered and how this period in Africa has marked them. From Ethiopia to Uganda, from Mozambique to Sierra Leone, they turn to friends, grandparents, parents, some even to a child who has yet to be born, to tell a piece of their life, with the daily joys and struggles of being “with Africa”. In all these journeys, Africa ceases to be a common place, that we know by hearsay, but is outlined more clearly based on its potential, its cultural and regional differences. Africa becomes, for these young people, a place of growth as people and as professionals.

They will also intervene Anna Pittarellomayor of Bovolenta, the president of Coldiretti Veneto Carlo Salvan, Roberto Lorin, president of Coldiretti Padova and Valentina Galessoregional president of Coldiretti Donna Impresa.

The meeting will be moderated by Christian Cadonijournalist of the Mattino di Padova.

The story of Cuamm’s commitment and the testimonies of Silvia and Pietro will be preceded by a Agri-aperitif of Friendly Campaign with local and seasonal products and a visit to the suggestive lavender labyrinth of the Va Oltre estate.

Doctors with Africa

Founded in 1950, Doctors with Africa Cuamm (Collegio Universitario Aspiranti Medici Missionari) is the first NGO in the health field recognized in Italy and the largest Italian organization for the promotion and protection of the health of African populations. It carries out long-term projects with a view to development, intervening with this approach even in emergency situations, to guarantee quality services accessible to all. Today Doctors with Africa Cuamm is involved in 8 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (Angola, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Central African Republic, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda) with over 3,500 operators in the field, of whom 230 are Italian. It supports 21 hospitals and 124 districts (for public health activities, maternal and child care, fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria), 4 nursing schools (in South Sudan, Uganda and Ethiopia) and 1 university in Mozambique.

Coldiretti Padua

With one and a half million members, Coldiretti is the main organization of agricultural entrepreneurs at a national and European level. Its diffusion is widespread throughout the national territory: 20 regional federations, 95 interprovincial and provincial federations, 869 Area Offices and 3,576 municipal sections. A growing organization, which has extended its representation from individual businesses to cooperatives, from the agricultural sector to the fishing sector, from traditional agriculture to the agri-food chain with the project for an all-Italian Agricultural Chain and with the Campagna Amica Foundation which includes almost twenty thousand points including farms, markets, agritourism, shops, restaurants and urban gardens, the largest zero-mile network at a European level. Coldiretti Padova has been actively collaborating with Cuamm for years and supports its projects with numerous initiatives in the area.

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Article photo from press release

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