New book by Silvia Cavallo

the book “The rainbow of dreams” by Silvia Cavallo, writer from Moncalier, consultant and teacher of Marketing and Communication.

Author of Amazon Bestselling novels “Ask me if I’m happy” (2018) e “It’s sunny outside” (2019), in 2020 Silvia Cavallo made her debut in the world of children’s literature with the illustrated book “The rainbow of emotions”, published by Edizioni Effetto, which tells a journey to discover emotions with creative imagination and sensitivity. With “The Rainbow of Dreams”, published by the same publishing house, he now proposes a fantastic new adventure that addresses an equally important theme: the courage to choose and cherish one’s dream.

What would a city become if suddenly a “dream-stealing” monster took away the inhabitants’ imagination and ability to dream? What would happen if one morning, when leaving the house, adults and children alike found themselves with their feet glued to the ground and their gaze fixed downwards?

On one of his trips around the world, the bird Nanù, Luna’s inseparable friend, realizes that the TMA monster, thanks to a frighteningly sticky glue, has stolen dreams and imagination from an entire city. Not far away, Pablo, Zoe and grandmother Luce, with a backpack full of books and imagination, are heading towards that town, unaware of the danger that awaits them. Will they be able to free the imagination of the inhabitants and destroy the “dream-stealer” monster?

What message do you want to convey through your new writing?

«The book tells a story that speaks to children, makes them travel into unexplored worlds, fascinates them and at the same time transmits to them a fundamental message for growing up: the importance of choosing your dream and cherishing it with passion, courage and determination» .

How did you get inspired to choose the topic?

«The theme of the book is the result of many questions and an observation made, as a teacher, in recent years: the lack, for many young people (but not only), of a dream to cherish, a desire and a project that allow build, grow, live life with passion.

Because, I want to underline, reality sometimes surpasses fantasy. And the road to reach a dream is the most fascinating part of every journey.”

“The Rainbow of Dreams” is an illustrated book and, through the graphic creativity of Monica Blunda (former illustrator of “The Rainbow of Emotions”), it allows children to become attached to the characters and identify themselves even more with the story.


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NEXT Paride Vitale, the presentation of the new book “D’amore e d’Abruzzo” at MAXXI (with Victoria Cabello)