Bills, Authority against market: “Not very credible, renewables are needed”



Bills too high: the Authority rejects the liberalization of the electricity market. “There is too much confusion, the market does not do the good of the consumer” declared Stefano Besseghini. The president of Arera, the electricity sector authority, also asked for more renewables: Italians pay the highest energy price in Europe in their bills.

A double indictment. In a few days, the president of Arera Besseghini has launched very strong messages against the distortions of the electricity market (completely liberalized since the beginning of the year) and – without saying it directly – also against the government.

In the first case, he bluntly attacked utilities and market operators. In fact, he said that liberalization is not bringing benefits to citizens, because there are no offers or discounts. In practice, there is no competition.

Bills, the Authority recalled that in Italy you pay the highest energy costs in the EU

In the second case, the government is called into question because it is not helping companies, which find themselves in difficulty with competition because Italy has the highest energy costs in the EU. And he remembered that to lower bills we need to accelerate the development of renewables.

Besseghini spoke a few days ago from the stage ofEnergy summit del Sole-24Ore: “At the moment, the confusion is absolutely high, because any mechanism that differs becomes a fold within which the operator ducks in so as not to be understood”.

Then he continued: “There is a market credibility problem which today does not do the good of the consumer. We try to implement all possible simplification elements and try to give all the }); tools of clarity to the consumer but operators must do their part.

The road? “More renewables”

Over the weekend, Besseghini (at an initiative of Confartigianato of Cagliari) also raised the alarm on the price difference with the rest of Europe: “The differentials that have opened up with other countries are worrying, especially with the main European competitors, more due to a sharp drop in their prices than for the growth of ours“.

The solution? Besseghini takes the side of environmental breakthrough.In the short term companies need supportwhich have the cost of energy having an important impact, possibly within a framework of harmonization with the incentives that are also given to companies in the rest of Europe“.

In the medium term, for President Arera, there are no alternatives. “The only way forward” And “the penetration of renewables and the configuration of an optimal cost mix“. In essence, more wind and photovoltaic, with gas acting as a reserve. For the sake of the fossil lobby.

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