Italy 24 Press News

Black and white photographs by Salvatore Russo on display in Bordighera (Photos and videos) –

Black and white photographs by Salvatore Russo on display in the headquarters of the Democratic Cultural Union-Anpi in Bordighera.

Residents and tourists will be able to visit and admire the photographic exhibition, a Free admission, in via Al Mercato everyday, including holidays, from 5pm to 7pm until June 10th. “I’m going back to exhibiting black and white photographs” – He says Salvatore Russo“I photographed several subjects that struck me instinctively.”

Salvatore Russo, retired and former post office employee, lives in Vallecrosia and has been a passionate cinematographer since the days of the first film clubs who now dedicates himself to photography. “Thanks to the availability of Giorgio Loreti I was able to exhibit my other works” – he claims Russian“The exhibition was scheduled for later but when an artist who was due to exhibit in recent days was no longer able for personal reasons, I proposed and so the exhibition was brought forward. After the summer, probably, I will return to exhibit new shots “.

“A photographic language in which he lets nature speak, with a documentary style in which, although subdued, the authoritative imprint of the subject photographer can be seen” – declares Giorgio Loreti, president of Ucd and Anpi Bordighera speaking about the cinematographer and photographer – “It is an honor and a pleasure to host another photography exhibition by Salvatore Russo.”

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