how the West is committing suicide

By kind permission of the publisher we publish Nicola Porro’s preface to the book Peccato Original (published by La Bussola) by our collaborator Salvatore Di Bartolo.

The West is literally short-circuiting. Paralyzed by a sort of “politically correct catharsis” that pushes a large portion of the progressive world, culturally and financially hegemonic, to blame Western civilization for all evils that afflict our world, so that we can ideally purify it from what Salvatore Di Bartolo lucidly defines “original sin”. That is, from that vice that Western man, meaning the white, heterosexual and Catholic male, has inevitably carried with him since his genesis only and exclusively because he is such.

Well, based on this absurd equation, which the single Thought has now for all intents and purposes made its own and then widely disseminated to the point of establishing it as absolute truth, West necessarily equals “evil”. And it is precisely from this questionable theory, which identifies the cause and origin of all evil in what is Western, and from the white male’s unbridled need for purification that from this descends, that the crazy socio-cultural drift that is leading the Western world straight towards the abyss is generated and draws its lifeblood. The dictatorship of political correctness and the different forms of restriction and denial of freedoms, all the woke madness, from cancel culture to gender, the advent of the infallible ecological creed and the ruthless war of the sexes, up to the growing aversion towards Israel, of which shrewdly Bartolo speaks in this book, they are all forms of unhealthy Western self-harm reaching the point of self-hatred, expressions of the same strictly socialist ideology.

Because that is exactly what we are talking about when we refer to such new and perverse forms of paganism: modern and captivating transfigurations of the ever-living Marxist doctrine. On closer inspection, in fact, the single Thought rampant in our days, making use of the same rhetorical devices typical of Marxism, presents itself towards modern man as a sophisticated but oppressive form of regime which, as it was in the case of socialism at the time, threatens those inalienable values ​​of freedom and democracy that the Western model has been able to embody, defend and export for decades.

Nowadays, however, that same West, cradle of civilization and rights, the highest expression and exaltation of man’s freedom, seems to denote an extreme weakness of identity and values faced with the disruptive hegemony of the anti-Western progressive establishment which suggests the worst. That is to say, the inevitable suicide of Western civilizationto be sacrificed on the altar of political correctness to atone for all its guilt and purify it of the “original sin”.

If it really wants to save itself from an announced and inglorious end, the West is called to shake off the unjustified complex of guilt from which it suffers, which even pushes it to hate itself, and drastically reverse course with respect to a dangerous liberticidal drift which threatens to irreversibly damage its vital tissues until its complete self-destruction.

Salvatore Di Bartolo, with this lucid, pragmatic and counter-current analysis, does his part to fuel a critical thought to contrast with the single dominant thoughtand go beyond the nihilism and standardization that oppress Western society in a vice.

Nicola Porro

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