Rai, twist: Flavio Insinna leaves, painful farewell after Amadeus

Rai, twist: Flavio Insinna leaves, painful farewell after Amadeus
Rai, twist: Flavio Insinna leaves, painful farewell after Amadeus

After Amadeus comes another sensational farewell in Rai, Flavio Insinna is also ready to leave the Viale Mazzini company.

Rai continues to “lose pieces”. After the farewell of Amadeus, which represents a very serious loss for the company in terms of ratings, too Flavio Insinna it seems he will leave state TV. A farewell that comes as a surprise, another beloved TV character is ready to pack his bags.

Flavio Insinna also says goodbye to Rai (ANSA) – Galleriaborghese.it

First the farewell of a host of the caliber of Amadeus and now also another “thoroughbred horse” seems to want to leave and migrate elsewhere, no one would have ever expected such a turn of events.

Flavio Insinna away from Rai, what will the host do?

We saw him alongside Milly Carlucci in Talent Catcher but now Flavio Insinna is ready to leave Rai, it seems that the former presenter of The inheritance – according to what was told by Oggi – has made his decision and it is also final. But where will he go?

Flavio Insinna leaves Rai (ANSA) – Galleriaborghese.it

The presenter next summer he should arrive at La7 where he will also host a game show here, the farewell has not yet been made official but the white smoke should arrive in a few weeks. Insinna would have waited a long time for a proposal from Viale Mazzini, a program of his own to host and instead he was given the role of juror in Carlucci’s program, which was a real flop in terms of ratings.

At - some time ago in an interview with Insinna he said he had no exclusivity, implying that he wouldn’t be forced to accept projects he didn’t like. On his future he said: “What will I do in the future? We can go, we can come back… I believe that the world, so to speak, has other thoughts. We’ll do it“. Words that foreshadowed a possible farewell and certainly demonstrated a possible discontent on the part of the host.

Flavio Insinna he may not have appreciated the behavior of the Viale Mazzini company which would not have given him the space he expected. At the helm of L’Eredità he has always racked up ratings and for this reason his passage into the jury of a format, which was likely to falter, may have given him the final push towards the decision to leave Rai. Confirmation, therefore, should arrive shortly and this will mean that another face loved by the public at Rai will leave. A lack that could generate further audience losses.

Meanwhile in viale Mazzini We are working on choosing Amadeus’ replacement for Affari Tuoi, the name of Stefano De Martino was mentioned but it seems that the production company of the format does not want to entrust him with a quiz show as he had not previously hosted a program of this kind and therefore the name of Marco Liorni appeared again. A decision – at least officially – would not have been made, so we just have to wait.

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