«Beijing Express, thrilling experience. And I’m not talking about Canalis”

«Beijing Express, thrilling experience. And I’m not talking about Canalis”
«Beijing Express, thrilling experience. And I’m not talking about Canalis”

They came third Beijing Express, among difficulties and sacrifices, behind the winners Damiano and Massimiliano Carrara (the couple from I Pasticcieri) and Antonella Fiordelisi and Estefania Bernal (the Italy-Argentina couple), classified second. “The friends” Maddalena Corvaglia And Barbara Petrillotogether with the other two couples, told their experience in the Sky Original reality show produced by Banijay Italia which ended on Thursday 9 May with the arrival in Sigiriya, Sri Lanka.

Maddalena Corvaglia, She has a phrase by Vasco tattooed on her back: «Life is a thrill that flies away, it’s all about balance above madness» (Sally, 1996). Could someone like her only do Beijing Express?
«Absolutely, even if more than a thrill, Beijing Express was a life experience: I discovered countries, cultures. And yes, I admit, there was a thrill.”

What, in particular, did you bring home?
«The awareness that we no longer use our heads. Everything owns us, we are slaves, we no longer do anything by reasoning. Returning home, I had a sense of omnipotence. I understood that, without a cell phone, just with a map, you can reach any place.”

And now where will he look for the thrill?
«I feel it every time I hug my daughter Jamie (by American guitarist Stef Burns, ed.), walking on the beach. And then in Palma de Mallorca, where we live, it’s already hot and I’m warming up the motorbike to experience the island on two wheels.”

When will you return to Puglia?
«I was there recently. My mother, my brother and many relatives live in Presicce. Palma is a place that suited my needs for Jamie’s international school. Otherwise, Puglia would have been the ideal candidate. Now I come and go.”

In Beijing Express had problems with tomato allergy. How did it go?
«I swelled up my legs, feet, belly, face. When I see myself again, I feel tender. However, I was able to find the strength to hold on. And I learned that I always have to ask for the ingredients of what I eat. Although I doubt I could have done it, dishes don’t even exist there. And you can’t be picky. Once, I had to eat something that looked like fire.”

What it was?
“In my opinion, it washes.”

In everyone’s imagination she is the blonde showgirl. Does she like it?
“Certain. We had very high ratings, I could only see it in a positive way. Then, obviously, I grew up and matured.”

Above all, the very strong bond with Barbara Petrillo emerged from Beijing Express. With Elisabetta Canalis the friendship is, however, over. She never said why.
«Friendship is a wonderful feeling. And I prefer to talk about that with Barbara.”

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