Maria Elena Boschi: «The Fact of Travaglio saved by Rai with public money?»

Maria Elena Boschi: «The Fact of Travaglio saved by Rai with public money?»
Maria Elena Boschi: «The Fact of Travaglio saved by Rai with public money?»

The group leader of Italia Viva alla Camera Maria Elena Boschi, vice-president of the Rai Supervisory Commission, attacks the Everyday occurrence, by Marco Travaglio and Giuseppe Conte. Yesterday, May 9, during the session he asked for clarification on La Confessione, the talk hosted by Peter Gomez, the director of the online edition of Il Fatto. He explains today in an interview with Republic who did it «first of all because one wonders why, among so many internal professionalisms and productions at Rai, the need was felt to turn outside and purchase the format of a television program from a company – Loft . Company which, coincidentally, is part of the group Everyday occurrence . Given that the money with which Rai pays for Gomez’s Confessions comes from citizens who pay the license fee, transparency seems to me to be the minimum.”

Conflict of interest?

But, explains Boschi, there is more: «If there is an economic link between the company that manages the public information service and Il Fatto it must emerge». Because the Seif company, which owns Il Fatto Quotidiano, has its accounts in the red. Which are based on programs sold by Loft, its 100% subsidiary which also produces Gomez’s program. «I’m not the one saying it: it’s written in the latest approved budget and in the audit firm’s report, which doesn’t hide the group’s financial crisis. It is no coincidence that Loft appears to be negotiating the sale of other programs with Rai. This way it could make money thanks to Rai and save the newspaper from possible bankruptcy”, claims Boschi. She adds that this is why Travaglio defends the leaders and says that there is no military occupation of Rai.

Travaglio and Rai

“Just leaf through it: that newspaper never expresses criticism of the Rai of the Meloni era nor does it say a word about Conte’s troubles with the prime minister over appointments.” And again: «Travaglio always forgets that the head of the M5S with the yellow-green government transformed the public broadcaster into a sovereignist TV station: then, paired with Casalino, he never took hostages in Viale Mazzini. As for today, the director who never holds back when there is a need to attack someone, even an innocent person who has received a warning, is the same one who was convicted of defamation. And that with Rai “Fratelli d’Italia management” he uses velvet gloves. He actually comes to defend her. For goodness sake, they will just be coincidences. But I think that Travaglio, who talks so much about conflicts of interest for others, should first look at his home.”

Will taxpayers’ money save Il Fatto from bankruptcy?

Boschi would like to know «if the taxpayers’ money goes to save Travaglio & Co from possible bankruptcy. Except that the CEO Sergio and the CEO Rossi did not answer these questions. They said they didn’t know anything and needed to look into it further. I don’t think it takes long to make a phone call and check. Also because Gomez’s show has been on the air for some time.”

And the MP from Italia Viva also says that the M5S offers Meloni a supervisory side: «After all, the agreement to assign the presidency of the Parliamentary Control Commission to the M5S was made by Meloni and Conte. The Grillini even voted in favor of the new service contract and, after having agreed on various appointments in Rai, they are also ready to reach an agreement on the new Board of Directors, you will see. After all, it is the Conte himself who raises the moral question in Puglia and then saves the Emiliano council by voting in favor of confidence.”

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