“I faced my fragilities and won”

The beloved dancer Gaia De Martino remembers her long and intense experience in the Amici school to the microphones of Comingsoon.it.

We interviewed exclusively Gaia De Martinothe talented dancer of team captained by Anna Pettinelli and Raimondo Todaro. Sweet, sensitive and very determined. Enter ad Friends strongly supported by the Latin teacher and, thanks to her sensitivity and determination, she manages to conquer everyone both inside and outside the school. Her was a exciting journey, full of emotions and twists. The knee injury, in fact, marks the beginning of the end for her. The student decides to be temporarily replaced by Aurora, who however is eliminated during the fifth episode of Evening.

A few days after semi-finalthat’s what Gaia De Martino he told us about Comingsoon.it: from entry into school Friendsan incredible experience that profoundly changed her and was characterized by special relationships with her classmates, atelimination from Maria De Filippi’s talent show up to his secret dreams.

At school you demonstrated that you have great sensitivity and determination. What experience was it?

Initially I was very shy and reserved, but thanks to Amici I have changed a lot. I consider myself a very sweet and altruistic person, always ready to help others. I care a lot about the people around me. It was an incredible experience. I feel changed because, in some way, Amici pushes you to face your fears and overcome your limits.

Can we therefore say that you won because you overcame your fears?

Yes, absolutely. I faced my fragilities and won. I’m not a competitive person, but I’m happy that I was able to overcome my fears. For me it was an emotional victory, it was what I wanted. Now I can truly be myself.

In your change, the tasks of teacher Celentano were fundamental…

Yes and I will always thank her for putting me to the test several times in school. I felt my big change after the teacher’s second task, the one with Umberto where I put on a top and culottes. Being able to complete that task and surpass it was a great achievement for me. I unblocked myself, from there my path changed. The teacher always used nice words towards me, I think she liked the way I approached the situations. I’m very happy.

The Evening shirt arrived completely unexpectedly. What emotions did you feel?

It makes me laugh when I think back to that scene… I was very calm in the house but desperate for my knee and suddenly I heard Maria’s voice. I was shocked. The shirt arrived completely unexpectedly, I was actually very scared because I was thinking of going out given the situation I found myself in. Raimondo then played his part very well (laughs ed.). At that moment I didn’t understand anything. My face said it all.

A dream interrupted due to the knee injury, which marked the end of your journey in school. If you could go back would you change anything?

I wouldn’t change anything about my journey. The problems with the knee arrived before the Evening. I had a big bruise and then it just got worse from there. When Maria told me the outcome of the visit, I absolutely didn’t expect it. It was a bolt from the blue. I thought it was nothing serious, but instead…I didn’t want to believe it. I felt terrible, but even today I am convinced of the choice I made. I love Amici and this was my year. For me it was important to stay, I didn’t dance, but I wanted to stay there. Coming back next year wouldn’t be the same.

The most beautiful moment that you will remember forever?

There are so many, I lived this experience with all my heart. I established some wonderful relationships in the house. Definitely an epic moment, which I will never forget, was when I took the Evening shirt… It was beautiful.

Many beautiful friendships were born in the house. How important was it to receive support and affection from your teammates?

Very much, I am for union and will always be. Having emotional support in the little house was fundamental, it helped me in an incredible way. Everyone loved me, I would be hypocritical to say otherwise, but because I like to listen and help others, I like to see people feel good. I had many friends like Nicholas, Martina, Lil Jolie, Petit, Marisol…Mida himself was important in my journey. It’s my first love story, he unknowingly helped me in many things both personally and professionally. He helped me feel more beautiful and confident. We will definitely see each other again outside because we are important to each other, but it will be the same with everyone else.

Of all people, the dancer Nicholas has always supported you both inside and outside the Friends school. Has a beautiful friendship been born between you?

We bonded so much right from the start. I confided in him, we laughed and cried together. We were each other’s sidekicks. When he was eliminated he left an incredible void in the house. He is a person who when he loves you, he really loves you. He defends you without thinking, I hope I never lose him. He is truly a friend to me. We always talk and support each other.

We have reached the Semifinal. Contending for the title of winner of the dance category are Marisol and Dustin…

They are two incredible talents. Marisol is a friend, we have helped each other a lot especially recently. She is an incredible dancer, I respect her so much. She also has problems with her knee and this is not to be underestimated, I admire her strength and determination. Dustin is Dustin. In addition to being a great dancer, he is a sweet person, smiling and always available to help others. I love people like him. May the best man win!

As for the singers still competing, what do you think?

I really love Petit, Holden and Mida. I really like all three. Sarah amazed me, she has had an incredible journey and I think she deserves to still be there. I was also expecting Martina, but at this point it was really complicated. They are all incredible. I’m really happy for them.

Who will win Amici?

In my opinion Petit will win because he has followed a sincere and linear path. She is a really beautiful person, she loves music and you can tell it too from the way she sings. So I would say Petit, but they are all good and strong.

At Amici you had the opportunity to work and interact with many professionals: from your coach Raimondo Todaro, to the artistic cast up to Maria De Filippi…

Raimondo is my guide, he changed my life. The first few months I was really a mess, I had big emotional blocks, and he never left me alone. For him I was a bet, he trusted me and helped me from the first to the last day. I will never stop thanking Giulia (Stabile ed.). Thanks to her I was able to unblock myself, talking to her in many situations was therapeutic. We are very similar. He gave me the right strength and energy to face the journey. I admire her. I also had an incredible relationship with Elena D’Amario and Porcelluzzi, they were truly fundamental in my growth. Maria, on the other hand, was like a mother, she understood me and encouraged me to be more sure of myself. I will never thank her enough.

Would you like to return to Amici as a professional dancer?

Of course, absolutely yes. It would be like coming home. That’s our home now (laughs ed.). Even when we returned to comment on our teammates’ performances it was beautiful and exciting for me. I can’t recover. I am a person who becomes attached immediately so it was difficult for me to tear myself away from that place.

Dreams in the drawer?

Since I have finally recovered with my knee, I hope to dance a lot and have many different experiences. I would like to open a community for disabled and non-disabled people to dance and grow together. Music and dance unite and are important in the lives of each of us. Fingers crossed!

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