Berlusconi, Marta Fascina: ‘Silvio’s death took away my happiness’

Berlusconi, Marta Fascina: ‘Silvio’s death took away my happiness’
Berlusconi, Marta Fascina: ‘Silvio’s death took away my happiness’

Interviewed by the Giornale a few days after the anniversary of the Knight’s death, the Forza Italia deputy defines herself as a victim of prejudice: “But Silvio taught me how to behave in the face of gratuitous malice”

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Marta Fascina gave an interview to Hoara Borselli published by Il Giornale where she told unpublished details of her life and her love for Silvio Berlusconi. Since he died, Fascina confides, “they have taken away my happiness. They tore my heart out. It wasn’t a year lived, it was mere survival. Such terrible grief cannot be overcome, it must be lived with. Furthermore, yesterday marked one year since we returned home after the very long hospitalization and we were happy thinking we had left the worst behind us.”

Passion for politics

Then he said that his passion for politics was born thanks to Berlusconi. “I was in high school, I was 14 years old and his engaging and inspiring leadership had bewitched me. His ideals and his programs for the modernization of Italy, his way of communicating them, thrilled me. I was fascinated and seduced by the figure of Silvio and his entrepreneurial and political contribution to our country. I followed him everywhere, in all his manifestations.”

The values ​​of the Knight

Today, as a deputy of the republic, she clarifies that her commitment is in line with the Cavaliere, whose “honesty combined with profound humanity” she admired. A man with a strong sense of understanding and respect for anyone in her presence. She managed to make every interlocutor, whatever their social background or opinion, feel like the most important person in the world. A gift that made him unique.”

Victim of prejudice

Fascina declares that being his partner was not always easy: “Prejudice was an element that has always accompanied my story with Silvio and in some ways it still doesn’t abandon me. But he taught me to have a certain flexibility with respect to gratuitous evil. Love and smiles are the strongest weapon against hatred and envy.”

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Childhood in Naples and Milan

In the interview Fascina also spoke about his childhood in Naples: “I was lucky enough to have a family who was always very present. Affection and closeness have never been lacking. Mine was a childhood made up of a lot of study, sport and socializing.” Then the experience at Milan: “Milan is my favorite team. You can imagine the emotion and sense of responsibility I felt when I started working for the company. It was an extraordinary experience, from a human and professional point of view. At Milan I met a close-knit and motivated group, wonderful people to whom, even today, I am very close.”


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