the 26 year old found dead in the boss’s house. He manages some hairdressers in Rome, they had been together for months

the 26 year old found dead in the boss’s house. He manages some hairdressers in Rome, they had been together for months
the 26 year old found dead in the boss’s house. He manages some hairdressers in Rome, they had been together for months

We await it with reasonable anxiety the outcome of the autopsy on the body of Francesca Russothe 26 year old Roman found dead on Saturday morning in her partner’s house Ciampino. Only the autopsy examination, in fact, will be able to clarify the causes of death. What is certain is this: the woman goes out on Friday evening with her boyfriend, a 39 year old man which manages some beauty salons in the capital. She is his employee and they have been dating for a few months.

The couple spends the evening in the well-known venue in the historic center – Jackie O’ – then late at night, the two go to Ciampino where the man lives. Contrary to what initially emerged, the two would not have taken cocaine together, as the 39-year-old’s lawyer, interviewed by the police as a person informed of the facts, was keen to point out. However, it cannot be ruled out that they did so separately or perhaps unaware of each other. Which is why, in addition to the autopsy, the 26-year-old’s toxicology reports are awaited.

Ciampino, found dead at the age of 26 in the office manager’s house after an evening at Jackie O’ with cocaine and alcohol


Friends and relatives tend to exclude that the young woman could have consumed the “white”. «She was very against it», some say. But from what emerged the woman she was in pharmacological treatment for a recent operation on the nasal septum performed less than fifteen days ago. The drugs combined with alcohol could have promoted the bleeding. When i carabinieri of the Castel Gandolfo Company they entered the entrepreneur’s house, the woman was lying on the bed Sofa, now lifeless. Around her some traces of blood but no signs of violence or beatings were found by the medical examiner during the first inspection. The hypothesis of death is attributable, however, to internal haemorrhage.

But what could have caused it?

It was his partner who called for help. After returning home and a fleeting moment of intimacy, the woman would lie down on the sofa, accusing herself of being cold. The man then went to sleep in the bedroom but when she woke up the following morning, the 26-year-old was no longer breathing. The 39-year-old tried to call her and shake her but it was already too late, the police arrived on site: “I don’t know what happened”, the man who is not currently under investigation repeated for hours. The Velletri Prosecutor’s Office is proceeding with the case and is awaiting the outcome of the autopsy.


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