Once the appeal is accepted, Ilaria Salis goes under house arrest in Budapest. The father and the lawyers rejoice

Once the appeal is accepted, Ilaria Salis goes under house arrest in Budapest. The father and the lawyers rejoice
Once the appeal is accepted, Ilaria Salis goes under house arrest in Budapest. The father and the lawyers rejoice

Sensational turning point in the case of Ilaria Salis: was accepted by the court of Hungarian second instance the appeal presented by the lawyers of the Milanese militant in prison in Budapest, which now can Therefore get out of cell and go to house arrest. The appeal was presented by the lawyers against the decision of judge Jozsef Sós, who in the last hearing on March 28th had denied her house arrest, both in Italy and in Hungary.

On appeal, the request was instead accepted, so the 39-year-old teacher and activist, candidate with Avs for the next European elections, will be able to leave the prison in the Hungarian capital, where she has been for over 15 months on charges of having attacked extreme militants right. The provision, which provides for the electronic braceletwill become enforceable as soon as the bail required by the court is paid.

Ilaria is enthusiastic to finally be able to go out from prison and we are very happy to finally be able to hug her again”: so the father Roberto comments on the decision. “She is not out of the well yet – Ilaria’s father added – but it will certainly be very nice to be able to hug her again after 15 months, even if as long as she is in Hungary I don’t feel completely at ease”.

“We are very satisfied, This nightmare is finally over for Ilaria but her battle continues” they comment instead Mauro Straini and Eugenio Loscothe woman’s two Italian lawyers.

Even the Minister of Justice, Carlo Nordioduring Question Time in the Chamber he joins the joy of lawyers and relatives for the news: “I would like to express my satisfaction with the news we have received on the granting of house arrest to Ilaria Salis”.

Now the path for his return to Italy opens

The news of the granting of house arrest in Hungary to Ilaria Salis, decided by the judges of Budapest, opens the way that facilitates the stages for the possible return to Italy of the 39 year old. The Italian authorities – we learn from government sources – could ask the Hungarian ministry, subject to any request from the anti-fascist militant’s lawyers, for the necessary documentation to transmit everything to the competent judicial authority. In this way, the right to enforcement in Italy of the measure applied would be recognized, according to the provisions of the European Council framework law of 2009, for the mutual recognition of decisions on alternative measures to precautionary detention. Normally, however, there would be one inconsistent jurisprudence as the one applied to Salis is not a measure resulting from a definitive conviction but a precautionary measure.

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