New National Newspaper – DYING FOR THE DOLLAR

by Marco Della Luna

All societies are governed by an elite, which exploits the rest of the social body. Which is what “our” Anglo-American elite does in a pernicious way for us, as it is based on debt money, which generates an ever-increasing and non-repayable debt, therefore an essential and worsening imbalance over time, which can only be compensated with a relentless escalation of “plunder and coercion.” This means that as long as the dollar or any other debt currency is imposed as a reserve currency and international trade, there will be no authentic balance at a global level.

We find ourselves with a nice financial bomb: on the basis of the new Stability Pacts, Italy must cut 13 billion a year in expenses and at the same time bear the costs for the war and for the Green transition: 273 billion estimated for the energy efficiency of the home by 2030: it is simply not possible unless we do what the European hawks want, i.e. get our hands directly on Italians’ savings. You will have nothing left and you will be happy. But the Axis that benefits from all this are the others. Over time, the war shows its true face to everyone, but its true beneficiaries to few, because they control the news.

When Europe and Japan became economically and monetarily linked to the United States after the Second World War, it made sense, because the latter had a highly productive, driving, credit-based economy, while now they have a productively emptied, heavily debt-based economy. and parasitic. Therefore today Trump threatens sanctions against those countries, especially Brics, that dare to replace the dollar as a reserve currency and international exchange, saying that it would be a sort of sedition. But his threat is an admission that the dollar is wobbling, undermined by the profound deindustrialization of the USA and under the weight of the 34,000 billion in public debt, of which more than a third has been formed since 2020, and indeed the dollar still manages to impose itself only through threats, military interventions and coups against “seditious” governments, as in the past against Libya and Iraq.

Precisely because it is dying, the dollar empire is increasingly dangerous, aggressive, warmongering, while the means with which central banks manage the disaster of unsustainable debt resemble the therapeutic fury of a terminally ill patient: they raise rates and strangle states, commercial banks and the entire financial sector. Then they lower rates, and inflation destroys the purchasing power of currencies.

There is no way out, but only the administration of monetary stimuli on the one hand, alternating with rate squeezes on the other: like giving a dying person a cocktail of drugs to fight the symptoms first, then another cocktail against their side effects, and pretend that the patient can recover. Measures such as the pandemic, the Green Transition and the crusade against Russia have a similar pseudo-therapeutic function, aimed at gaining time by expanding credit and the issuance of securities.

The managers of this tragic farce call us to pay, risk and fight to prolong the life of their failing system, while they are building on us a surveillance and bio-manipulator state of the liberticidal and plundering Orwellian type. Failure not only on an economic and monetary level, but also on a civil, social and cultural level: a society in the process of impoverishment and disintegration in the name of growing injustice. And it cannot even impose itself against an enemy that is one twentieth in terms of GDP and one tenth in terms of population.

Interventions carried out on very complex systems, such as the global chessboard, often produce effects opposite to those predicted. Thus, while it seriously harms us, the set of sanctions theoretically directed against Russia, which was supposed to cut off that country’s legs within a few months, is instead strengthening its economy because it pushes Moscow to invest in its own industry, to make it independent, and to move away from commercial globalism, strengthening relations with China, India and even North Korea. Furthermore, it psychologically heals her from the irrational and alienating delusions imported from the West, delusions of running after brands and designer labels. People turn more to real things, to study and culture.

We, however, are spending and risking not to defend Ukraine or Israel, but rather the international seigniorage of the dollar. It is hard to be a vassal of the country that holds the international reserve currency, especially when it is over-indebted. We must never forget that, historically, the European Union is a CIA project just like Pinochet, Zelenski and the Arab Spring; while the unified Italy of 1861 was a project of the London financial elite as was Yugoslavia of 1918.

In the meantime, however, Russia, which also holds its own industrially against the West despite having a GDP equal to one twentieth of the same, refutes the myth of the GDP as a measure of the economic strength of a nation, and recommends using the PPP, PURCHASE POWER PARITY, instead. that is, comparative purchasing power. Otherwise we continue to mistake for real wealth the turnover of unproductive services and financial exchanges, useless both for feeding ourselves and for fighting a war, and which can only be imposed on the world by threat.

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