Toti arrest and future Liguria, back and forth between Pd and Alessandro Piana

Toti arrest and future Liguria, back and forth between Pd and Alessandro Piana
Toti arrest and future Liguria, back and forth between Pd and Alessandro Piana

Christmas: “Piana cannot lead Liguria”. Piana: “It was a choice of the Genoa Prosecutor’s Office”

1 minute and 21 seconds to read

Of Giorgia Fabiocchi

GENOA – The electoral campaign has not officially begun but, considering the back and forth but the majority and the opposition, it seems to have already come to life. The regional secretary of the Democratic Party Davide Natale attacks Alessandro Piana’s role as acting president. “He cannot lead Liguria” he commented to Ansa. And she explained why. “In Liguria there are very important games at stake, starting with healthcare, but also with the serious situation in hospitals, the environment, with the regasification terminal for which Toti is commissioner. There are also at stake the Bisagno spillway and the master plan of the port of Genoa. To the west the water ATO is a commissioner. How do you move forward without guidance? Liguria is the black jersey among the Italian regions for the expenditure of resources for rural development and coincidentally these depend on Piana and his department. I would say that this data is enough to understand how the Region can lead” added Natale.

The response from the Agriculture Councilor Alessandro Piana, as well as interim president, was not long in coming. “I remind the Democratic Party that the choice is not mine, but was made by the Genoa Prosecutor’s Office. I would recommend going beyond the chant already heard, the classic election campaign chant. But I don’t invite the opposition to collaborate with us because if they did, given our excellent results, it would increase consensus and I don’t want to give you this advice.” In the meantime, the regional secretary of the Democratic Party Davide Natale opens the doors to a “very broad” field for the post-Totiwhich includes all the opposition parties in the regional council and also those not present such as Italia Viva, Alleanza Verdi-Sinistra and Azione.

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