Campoformido, the electoral campaign begins. Interview with mayoral candidate Massimiliano Petri – Nordest24

Campoformido is preparing to experience an important electoral phase with the administrative meetings of 8 and 9 June 2024. Erika Furlani, 52 years old, current mayor, is running again after his success in the 2019 elections. His main contender is Massimiliano Petri43 years old, entrepreneur in the IT and communication sectors and an active figure in volunteering and business organisations.

Massimiliano Petri’s electoral campaign kicks off this evening

The start of Massimiliano Petri’s electoral campaign is scheduled for this evening, with an event that «aims to involve the citizens of Campoformido in a direct and convivial way» – reports the candidate. The “Alle Griglie del volleyball” event in via Basaldella 60 at 8.30 pm «offers a perfect opportunity for voters to get to know the candidates on the lists better» – adds Petri, who then continues: «the first contact with the public has already been tested positively in a meeting with sports associations of the territory, where access to European funds was discussed with Stefania Romano, expert in managing applications and our candidate supporter.

The meeting with sports associations

Scheduled meetings and rallies

The Petri campaign promises to be full of events – according to what he reports -. «Specific rallies and meetings on various topics are planned – reports Petri -; let’s leave there next week from education, schoolfamilywith the participation of Paola Piovani, President of the Institute Council and now candidate for councilor municipal in our lists. The goal is to dialogue with everyone parents’ representatives of the schools of the municipality of Campoformido, as well as of associations and gods parent committees – canteen. We will then meet the local population, even in the hamlets, to better understand the citizens’ needs and propose concrete solutions to the problems and shortcomings that they have been reporting for some time».

The meeting on “school and family”

Why are you running for mayor of Campoformido? What pushed you to ‘take to the field’?

«Our municipality needs a renovation and we tried to build a project made up of people who care about the needs of our community. I put myself at the service of my community with the aim of actively contributing to the development of my territory. It is a heartfelt choice made to help leave my children and the entire community a better territory than I found».

A few days ago, he resigned from the position of Regional President of Young Entrepreneurs. How come?

«The position I held was a fundamental chapter in my life, full of lessons and moments of growthboth at a regional and national level. Over the course of these three years, I have tried to contribute new ideas, enriching the group for the growth of all of us. The decision to resign was not easy, but it came from the awareness that now is the time to focus all the experience I have acquired and the passion I have for entrepreneurship towards my community. I am strongly convinced that what my association has taught me can translate into effective actions for the well-being and development of Campoformido.”

What are the main strengths of the “Commitment to Campoformido” project?

«We believe it is essential to build our administrative action starting from needs expressed by the residents of each hamlet, from Basaldella to Bressa, from Villa Primavera to Campoformido. Every voice counts and our intent is to create an administration that can be real present and responsive, which works not only for, but with the community. We want to transform citizens’ requests into concrete actions, ensuring that their ideas and proposals become an integral part of our government program. We based the coalition program on our own listening to citizens. Two examples per fraction, a Basaldellayou feel the need to restore the celebration area and give a general urban decor to the center of the hamlet. TO Bressathe emphasis is on safety and healthas well as projects to strengthen the social cohesion through sustainable development community events. TO Villa Primaverathe focus is on improving the safety and quality of lifewith interventions on public lighting and the installation of cameras on the main access points; proposals for the area of ​​theex Sporting. For Campoformidowe are promoting it urban development designing a new city centrewith an eye for the conservation of historical heritagein order to improve not only the aesthetics but also the functionality of the area. An eye for the Furlane woods which, in addition to being illuminated (and controlled), goes made more usable for families».

You live in Villa Primavera, one of the hamlets of the Municipality which, more than others, has undergone decisions which have repeatedly pushed residents to collect signatures such as the one to avoid a change to the road network which, according to them, “would have resulted in further isolation of the hamlet“. What’s the situation?

«The situation of Villa Primavera reflects the importance of listening and intervening in a targeted way on the specific needs of the different hamlets of our Municipality. L’lighting to be redone and the security issues they are clear examples of needs that require immediate action. Initiatives for families and the creation of opportunities for greater cohesion community are essential to strengthen the social fabric and the sense of participation. The case of ‘suspender‘ of via Marano highlighted ua disconnection between the administration and the needs of citizens; is an example that underlines the need for a more open dialogue and more careful management. Unfortunately, it is not the only critical issue that the fraction has witnessed: I am thinking, for example, of the problems that have occurred with the canteen of the nursery school and the poor maintenance in the area. However, these are not just problems of Villa Primavera, but of the entire Municipality, and as such they will be addressed.
With a touch of lightness, if you allow me, I reply jokingly by saying that I live in Campoformido and my priority is to serve the entire Municipality, without making preferences and giving all the hamlets the same importance».

What are the priorities you have identified for the area and the objectives you want to achieve?

«Beyond the essentials change of approachthe priorities are family, school, health, territory and safety. Young people are the future of our community and we must invest in them. We will promote sporting, cultural and educational activities through targeted projects, creating safe spaces and inclusive moments, encouraging the participation of young people in municipal life. The sport it is a fundamental element for the health and well-being of citizens, as well as for socialization and inclusion.”

«Expanding the offer of the “Integrated School” and also extending it to secondary schoolswe want to ensure that learning is an inclusive and comprehensive experience. We will increase services such as pre-reception, canteen and play assistanceThe after-school and supplementary activities, in collaboration with local associations. To promote the active participation of the little ones in decisions that affect the future of our community, we will establish the “Municipal Council of Children“. We are committed to ensuring that fiber optic network is extended throughout the municipal territoryeliminating disparities in connectivity and ensuring that every citizen (and every company) can benefit from the opportunities offered by digital.”

«We recognize the urgency of acting with determination to complete these fundamental works, thus restoring citizens’ trust in the efficiency of local administration. Priority interventions include the aesthetic and functional completion of the facade of the car park in Piazza IV Novembrethe realization of the space known as “tent” in Via Scortolesthe identification of a new headquarters for the municipal library (capable of hosting initiatives for smaller users) and the urban regeneration of the center of Campoformido. The environmental projects carried out in recent years, and I am referring to those involving the educational apiary and trips to the stable meadows, are interesting initiatives but cannot be the center of the administrative activities of a municipality. In terms of the environment, in fact, the process must certainly be completed sustainable mobility and improved the approach to environmental sustainability towards citizens. In this regard, it would be appropriate to provide a “reuse center” and review waste management agreements so that critical issues that have arisen over time can be improved. Union of tradition and innovation for inclusive and beneficial development for the community.”

The presence of “different political forces” in the Commitment to Campoformido project, which she represents, was “criticised” by the outgoing mayor, Erika Furlani. What does it tell us about it?

«I welcome the outgoing mayor’s observations as part of the natural pre-election debate, unfortunately sometimes focused more on political aspects than on the real needs of citizens. I firmly believe that the diversity within our project is a strong point: the variety of perspectives and experiences enriches the debate and the quality of the solutions we propose. As I have already said to those directly involved, ours it is a transversal project, without flag colours, made up of ideas and people. I find certain statements offensive towards our candidates but I remain of the opinion that Commitment for Campoformido remains a compact voice that finds its strength in shared objectives beyond political affiliation. When a project embraces different views it is enriched, not impoverished. So, enough controversy and let’s look at a new future».

The opening of the electoral campaign

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