Salerno Traffic Police, continuous violations of the ANQ – Request for urgent intervention

Salerno Traffic Police, continuous violations of the ANQ – Request for urgent intervention
Salerno Traffic Police, continuous violations of the ANQ – Request for urgent intervention

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Rome, 10 May 2024

ca Mr. Director, Vice Prefect Maria De Bartolomeis

OBJECT: Salerno Traffic Police, continuous violations of the ANQ.
Urgent intervention request.

Dear Mr. Director,
last December 11th, with the attached note containing the prot. 874/2023, this Secretariat has reported to your Office the following violations of the rules established by the ANQ to the detriment of the personnel serving at the Salerno Traffic Police Section and the UU.OO.DD. employees.
-failure to comply with the provisions regarding shift changes;
-failure to comply with the provisions set out in Table 1 of the ANQ relating to continuous services in six weekly shifts;
– carrying out scheduled overtime work at times that are not permitted with respect to the reference structure;
-failure to complete weekly working hours;
-the allocation, for shift workers, of the day off randomly rather than on the days established by Table 1 of the current ANQ.
It was also pointed out that, in particular with regard to the institution of shift change, our Provincial Secretariat of Salerno had repeatedly intervened with the management of the Traffic Police Section, but that the latter had given a particular interpretation of circular no. 557/ RS/01/113/5895 dated 19.02.2013. According to this official, in fact, the circular referred to several times provides for the assignment of shift changes only if “colleagues, permanently employed in service with non-continuous working hours, are scheduled to carry out continuous working shifts on successive days. to the other, i.e. Monday-Tuesday, Tuesday-Wednesday, Wednesday-Thursday and so on… therefore if the two scheduled changes affect, for example, Tuesday and Friday you are not entitled to the shift change allowance, and so even if the variations were three in the same week as long as they were on non-consecutive days”. Furthermore, if “the changes from a non-continuous work shift to a continuous work shift do not affect the external time slot 08.00-20.00, there is no shift change” …. when in reality the aforementioned ministerial circular on shift changes unequivocally says the opposite.
Well, in recent days there has been news that the offices in question are trying to make up for the missing time for completing the weekly working hours which at the time, certainly not due to the responsibility of the colleagues, would not have been carried out by the staff having the Administration ordered continuous shift changes without taking into account this “completion”, necessarily reducing an equivalent number of days of ordinary leave for the colleagues involved.
It is reported to our Provincial Secretariat of Salerno of “administrative reservations” addressed to the staff, which are then transformed into declarations to be signed by the latter, informing them of an “inspection of the department carried out by the Director of the Traffic Police Section of Salerno” and that following the same “it was noted, in some circumstances, the non-completion of the weekly service hours”. The “confidentials”, then, go on to specify that “the missing working minutes” would then be counted and then there would be a request to the colleague concerned as to how he intended to recover the same… and the only response, already prepared, that the aforementioned intends to proceed with the reduction of days of ordinary leave equivalent to the aforementioned total missing minutes.
In at least one case we know that not only was there no indication at all on the part of the employee towards the aforementioned recovery method (which would therefore have been imposed) but he did not even intend to sign this irregularity.” reserved administrative/declaration” but indeed, as also specified in the document, he reserved the right to take legal action.
It is clear that what is happening violates any law.
The staff on duty at the Salerno Traffic Police Section, the Angri Traffic Police Subsection, the Sala Consilina Traffic Police Subsection and the Vallo della Lucania Traffic Police Detachment, have always carried out the service slavishly fulfilling the time indicated in the order of daily service.
Errors on the part of the Section manager and the commanders of the dependent departments must be blamed on the aforementioned and certainly not on the staff. It seems they want to leave out this aspect and at the same time they want to impose on colleagues a “spontaneous” (which is not such at all) reduction in ordinary leave which the current legislation does not allow, moreover with documents not even signed by the manager of the Section or that of the Compartment … but of the heads of Subsections and Detachments.
Having said all this, we invite you, Dear Director, to intervene with all possible urgency on the matter.
The concept that the Administration makes a mistake and colleagues pay the consequences with the reduction of their ordinary leave is not acceptable.
The above claim must be immediately prohibited, not only with regard to the procedure with which one would like to implement it but primarily due to the fact that – as specified – there is no rule that allows this reduction for the eventualities in question.
However, the responsibilities for what happened must be identified and censored, both for the possible non-completion of the weekly timetable and for the further violations reported by this SO in the previous letter addressed to your Office.
While awaiting your kind urgent response, we would like to take this opportunity to send you our warmest regards.

The Secretary General of COISP
Domenico Pianese


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