30-year-old volunteer firefighter dies in Rovereto after crashing into a truck: the motorbike on fire

30-year-old volunteer firefighter dies in Rovereto after crashing into a truck: the motorbike on fire
30-year-old volunteer firefighter dies in Rovereto after crashing into a truck: the motorbike on fire

Tragic accident at Rovereto, on the Brennero state road near Quercia. It happened just before 2:00 am, when a motorbike crashed against a truck. A young man lost his life in the clash volunteer firefighter. His name is Federico Volani and he was just 32 years old. The police are focusing on the dynamics of the events.

Motorcycle accident in Rovereto

Yet another road accident on the roads of Rovereto area. After the tragic death of the young man on Viale Trento in Vicenza, the collision on the road was also fatal Brenner state road.

Federico Volani, 32 years old, was a volunteer firefighter. He was traveling in his motorcyclewhen he collided while turning into a parking lot against a heavy vehicle (it also happened in Bordolano near Cremona). Help from colleagues was useless, as they remained in disbelief at the death of the young firefighter.

Serious accident in Rovereto: 32-year-old volunteer firefighter dies

The dynamics: motorcycle on fire

The young 32 year old was traveling on the Brenner state road when he collided with a truck. According to an initial reconstruction, the volunteer firefighter was carrying out a manoeuvre, more precisely a turn, inside the car park of a thermo-hydraulic company.

However, while carrying out the manoeuvre, he encountered the heavy vehicle. The violent collision also caused the vehicle to crash against the guardrail. The second impact caused the motorcycle to catch fire, with the flames who devoured the two-wheeled vehicle.

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The rescue

Unfortunately, the rescue efforts didn’t do much good. The young man he died instantly due to the violent crash. The 118 vehicles intervened to confirm the death and take the body away.

Firefighters remained at the scene Rovereto and the Carabinieri for carrying out investigations to understand the dynamics of the tragic accident.

Photo source: 123RF

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