Arisa falls live on Viva Rai 2, here’s what really happened

Arisa falls live on Viva Rai 2, here’s what really happened
Arisa falls live on Viva Rai 2, here’s what really happened

Arisa suddenly falls to the ground during the live broadcast of Viva Rai 2 while she was singing the preview of her new single. But there is a backstory

Ruinous fall for Arisa who is guest this morning (9 May 2024) on Viva Rai 2! Fiorello’s guest. While singing her new single “Kiss me stupid”, the artist fell while walking on the red platform. And so the video went viral in a very short time.

But in addition to falling abruptly, dragging the dancer Tommaso Stanzani with him, Arisa he forgot the words of the song, later justifying himself as follows: “It was the first time I sang this piece, it comes out on May 10th and I knew it forgotten“.

But we know that where Fiorello is there is no secret that matters and so everything is revealed. In fact, a few moments later, in the glass room, Fiorello joked about what happened. Inviting people to search online for “Arisa’s flight” which has now gone viral. And then he added “This is not the beauty of live broadcast, it’s the beauty of the truth!”. A way of ironically saying that everything was prepared.

In fact, Fiorello continued to joke about what happened, making it clear that it was planned. “Arisa you are true, authentic, unique, splendid. The fall you took, incredible. Luca Tommassini, how did you manage to make a fall so that it seemed real? I was there, I said: she fell. And Luca says to me: no, no, but it’s all done on purpose. Arisa you are wonderful, you are very true.”

It is no coincidence that, shortly afterwards, choreographer Luca Tommassini made a confession on social media that for this penultimate episode of Viva Rai 2 he thought well of reserving “The perfect performance” for Arisa. “Everything was studied! – he said – The fall? Better than I expected, it seemed real! More than a stuntman… a stuntwoman!”.

Yet, despite the declarations that everything was prepared, it is sometimes hard to believe. Also because Arisa hasn’t said a word about it even on social media. Indeed, she was mentioned in the Viva Rai 2 prologue with the comment: ‘He who doesn’t fall is not strong, but he who falls has the strength to get up! And Arisa is very strong.’ No reply from her. But there were many comments that would have attributed the blame to the shoes and the lack of air that the singer complained about.

But whatever the reason was and whether a prepared fall or not, it doesn’t matter, Arisa is liked as it is, even with live falls.

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