Little girl dies in frontal collision: little brother is out of danger

The consequences of the head-on were so violent that aEven rescuers will now need psychological support, because on Tuesday evening an eight-year-old girl lost her life between the sheets of a Seat Ibiza. Her name was Giada Paolella and attended the second grade at the Bratto school, a few meters from the “Milano” hotel, where mother Laura and father Roberto work as waiters. They were also there on Tuesday evening and for this reason a pick up Davide, Giada’s little brother who is one year older, at the end of a friendly football match with the Rovetta chicks team in Zanicathe maternal grandmother Paola Improveti had gone, who had also brought, as often happened, Giada.

On the way back to Castione, where the family lives in the Rusio area, the tragedy: It was just a few minutes before 11pm when the Seat Ibiza driven by grandmother Paola and which was traveling along the former state road 671 collided head-on with a BMW 320 in which a couple of fifty-year-olds from Clusone were travelling. Grandma Paola was seriously injured and is hospitalized in a medically induced coma at the Spedali Civili in Brescia: the prognosis is reserved. Davide instead suffered a fracture of a femur, but his life is not in danger. Yesterday he underwent surgery at the Papa Giovanni XXIII hospital in Bergamo: intervention that was perfectly successful. The only positive news of yesterday for the Paolella family and for the communities of Clusone and Castione. However, the two occupants of the BMW did not suffer serious injuries and were taken to Papa Giovanni Hospital and she to the Gavazzeni Clinics in Bergamo.

The distraction hypothesis

The accident occurred in the stretch between the two roundabouts of the junctions for Clusone and Rovetta, just before a slight curve to the right for those traveling towards the valley. The carabinieri of the Clusone mobile radio unit are trying to reconstruct what exactly happened, having carried out surveys on the asphalt until almost dawn yesterday. The hypothesis is that of a distraction: from an initial reconstruction, it was the Seat that ended up in the opposite lane, finding itself in front of the BMW whose driver tried, in vain, to avoid the impact. For this reason, the Prosecutor’s Office could investigate the grandmother for vehicular homicide: a formality which, however, had not yet been completed until Wednesday evening, also given the serious conditions in which the sixty-year-old finds herself. A file could be opened in the next few hours by the deputy prosecutor Raffaella Latorraca, holder of the case, who instead immediately granted permission to return little Giada’s body to her parents without ordering an autopsy, there being no doubt about the dramatic causes of his death.

Kinematic expertise

To precisely reconstruct the dynamics, the Prosecutor’s Office itself could also order a kinematic assessment. The investigation process in these cases also requires the two drivers to undergo blood tests to check their alcohol level: for this reason, blood samples were taken from grandmother Paola and the forty-seven year old behind the wheel of the BMW for this purpose in the hospital. The results will be available in a few daysbut the testimonies and reconstructions of the police regarding the moments preceding the collision would already lead to the exclusion of the possibility that one of the two drivers was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the accident.

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The two children were traveling in the back seat with their seat belts fastened. Only one “splash” was found on the car who, in the violence of the impact, moved into the passenger compartment and therefore it is not known, at the moment, whether Giada or Davide was sitting on it. The 118 personnel – who arrived on the former state road 671 with two medical vehicles, three ambulances from the Presolana Volunteer Corps, the Blue Cross of Gromo and the Green Cross of Colzate, in addition to the helicopter rescue services taken off from Brescia and Sondrio – he could only note Giada’s death, which occurred instantly, in the head-on impact between the two cars. The firefighters of the Clusone and Gazzaniga detachments rescued the other injured, who were extracted from the cockpits and entrusted to the care of 118.

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With the air ambulance arriving from Brescia, grandmother Paola, who had the most serious injury, was taken to the Civil Service. The other air ambulance was instead used to transfer Davide to “Pope John”, who remained conscious during the rescue operations and, as mentioned, underwent surgery yesterday. The ambulances were used to take the couple from the BMW to the two hospitals in Bergamo, he in code yellow and she in code green. Giada’s lifeless body was instead taken to the mortuary of the Clusone cemetery.

The funeral home has been set up: the parents have chosen the house of their maternal great-grandmother Mea, in via Toscanini 1 in Bratto, given the strong bond between the woman and little Giada. THE the funeral will be celebrated in the parish church of Bratto on Saturday afternoon, at 3pm, preceded by the procession on foot from the great-grandmother’s house: the Municipality will proclaim the city’s mourning. On Thursday evening at 8.30 pm the same church will host a moment of remembrance of Giada and prayer for the wounded.

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