Donating your 5×1000 to the Lega del Filo d’Oro is a simple and free gesture capable of making a difference for those who every day face the complex challenge of going beyond darkness and silence. By supporting the campaign you can contribute in a concrete way to the opening of new offices and territorial services throughout Italy; guarantee personalized educational-rehabilitative paths for a greater number of deafblind and psychosensory children, young people and adults, giving them the opportunity to escape the barrier of isolation imposed by their condition; invest more and more in training and research and strengthen and expand existing services, guaranteeing the high quality standards that have characterized the Foundation’s work for the past 60 years.

To donate the 5×1000 to the Lega del Filo d’Oro, simply enter the tax code 80003150424 in your tax return and your signature. For more information: 5×1000.legadelfilodoro.it

Osimo, 8 May 2024 – For many deafblind and psychosensory disabled children and adults, communicating with others is almost impossible. They don’t see, they don’t hear and they often live with other disabilities, such as cognitive and motor disabilities, which can isolate them even from their loved ones. They need to routes personalized educational-rehabilitative programsthroughout their lives, to be able to overcome the barrier of lack of communication and isolation imposed by their condition and achieve the greatest possible autonomy.

There Lega del Filo d’Oro ETS Foundation – Philanthropic Institution it has been the national point of reference for deafblind and multi-sensory impaired people and their families for 60 years; thanks precisely to that “golden thread” that winds throughout Italy Centres, Offices and Territorial Services, the Foundation can reach them where they live, providing increasingly adequate responses to their needs. In fact, among the main objectives of the Foundation is to strengthen its presence at a territorial level both in terms of quantity, by increasing the number of the current eleven offices, and from a qualitative point of view, by strengthening the services offered. This is why the contribution of the 5 per thousanda simple and free gesture that translates into a for those who do not see and do not hear. Simply enter the tax code 80003150424 And affix your signature.

“The 5 per thousand is a simple and very important gesture, but many people still don’t know that it is completely free: if you don’t choose who to donate it to, in fact, it will still be retained by the State. Through the proceeds of this fundamental support, the Lega del Filo d’Oro, now present in 11 Italian regions, can continue to grow in the territories to help a greater number of deafblind and psychosensory impaired people and their families – he declares Rossano BartoliPresident of the Foundation – It is also thanks to this tool that, in 2023, we were able to make the second batch of the new National Center in Osimo operational where, last December, the first 37 deafblind adults moved into their new home. Furthermore, precisely to be ever closer to the places where people who cannot see or hear live, in January we inaugurated the new Territorial Headquarters in Abruzzo, in San Benedetto dei Marsi. But we can and want to do even more: to achieve the objectives we have set ourselves, we need everyone’s support, which also takes the form of 5 per thousand”.

In 2023, there were 1,230 deafblind and psychosensory impaired people who received, together with their families, one or more services from the Lega del Filo d’Oro, in different modalities. In particular, the Territorial Headquarters of Naplesa point of reference in Campania for deafblindness and multiple psychosensory impairments, followed 186 users and their families.


The proceeds of the 5 per thousand guarantee the growing capillarity of the presence of the Lega del Filo d’Oro on the national territory, which in 2023 materialized with the opening of the new Territorial Headquarters in Abruzzo, in San Benedetto dei Marsi. But the Foundation is already planning the construction of the new Territorial Headquarters in Calabria and in Sardiniato reach areas where it is not yet present, and the opening of a new Center in Lazioa region in which the organization is already present with the territorial headquarters in Rome, active since 1993. Furthermore, thanks to the 5 per thousand, the Foundation will be able give continuity to personalized educational-rehabilitative paths created at the National Center of Osimo on the basis of the initial diagnosis, guaranteeing a network of services that can improve the daily lives of people who cannot see or hear and their families; strengthen and expand existing servicesguaranteeing the high quality standards ever; establish collaborations in the field of researchwith the scientific world and with universities, to improve the daily lives of those who cannot see or hear through solutions in areas such as communication and assistive technologies.


Choose to donate 5 per thousand to the Lega del Filo d’Oro it is a conscious choice that costs nothing, it is a simple gesture that can contribute in a concrete way to improving the lives of those who cannot see or hear and their families. As it was for the little one Biagio Luigi and his family – protagonists together with Neri Marcorè And Renzo Arbore of the campaign – who made a long journey, from Gela to Osimo, to find someone who knew how to help the child emerge from his isolation, who was able to communicate with him, making him overcome all his fears, including that of being caressed. After being hosted at the National Centre, Biagio Luigi returned home to Sicily, where he attends fifth grade and continues his journey thanks also to the support of the Territorial Service of Termini Imerese. A new intensive treatment is planned in Osimo in the coming months which will prepare him for the important thing

transition to middle school. At the beginning of his extraordinary journey, no one would have ever thought that his life could change so much; instead, today Biagio Luigi’s future is full of hope and countless important milestones to reach.


Allocating 5 per thousand to the Lega del Filo d’Oro is easy, just put a signature in the box dedicated to “support of Third Sector Bodies”, inserting the tax code 80003150424. The 5 per thousand is free and is not an alternative to the 8 per thousand: both signatures can be added. And above all, allocating 5 per thousand to the Lega del Filo d’Oro really changes the lives of those who cannot see or hear. It doesn’t cost anything, but it’s worth a lot. The tax return must be submitted by September 30, 2024if carried out through the Ordinary Form 730 presented to the CAF or to the authorized professional or to the withholding agent; by September 30, 2024if carried out using the Pre-compiled Form 730 presented directly to the Revenue Agency or the CAF or to the professional or tax withholding agent; by 1 July 2024 if carried out through the 2024 Income Model and the presentation is made in paper form via a post office or by October 15, 2024 if the presentation is made electronically.

For any further information you can visit the site 5×1000.legadelfilodoro.it where one is available and downloadable dedicated guide, or you can write to [email protected] or contact toll-free number 800.915000.

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