Farewell to Nando Cristofori: scientist, Golden Bee and anti-fascist: the commemoration at Verdi

Nando Cristofori, historic face of the Segrato left and honorary president of the Anpi, has passed away at the age of 87. In 2022 he was awarded civic merit

Commitment to the city, institutions, science and anti-fascism. And the highest recognition that Segrate gives to its citizens, the Golden Bee which arrived in 2022. He passed away on Tuesday 7 May, at the age of 87, Fernando Cristofori. City councilor for several terms between the 1990s and 2000s and for fifteen years at the helm of the ANPI, he was honorary president of the city section.

From thesis student to general director of CISE

Cristofori, born in Milan, linked his name to Segrate also professionally: graduated in Physics after classical studies at Carducci, he joined CISE at a very young age, becoming a researcher and then general director. The militancy in the PCI (later Pds) culminated with the candidacy for the Chamber of Deputies in 1996, when the election came close. Then came the political commitment in his city where he had already worked for the establishment of the counseling center which was among the first in Italy. After contributing to the birth of the Democratic Party in Segrate, he concluded his last council in 2015 then continuing the commitment with Anpi.

The awarding of the Golden Bee civic merit award in 2022

«He believed in the Constitution, in peace and in Europe»

«He firmly believed in the Constitution, in peace and in Europe and as a scientist he actively participated in the discussion and collaboration between states including those of the East before the fall of the Berlin Wall. He was an eclectic man, a lover of art and music, but above all curious”, says Alberto, one of Cristofori’s seven children, two of whom were adopted.

«An example»: the memory of Nando Cristofori

«Nando was an anti-fascist in the full sense of the term and a loyal democrat – he recalls Darius Jupiter, his successor at the helm of the city’s Anpi – led the section for years and continued, as honorary president, to support it and believe in its future. A few days have passed since the last April 25th that he celebrated with us, witnessing a message of hope and commitment.” «He was an example for those of my generation who approached politics. A person of integrity and of great cultural depth, passionate about his city and public affairs”, the mayor’s memory Paolo Micheli.

The civil funeral at the Verdi Center

The city will pay homage to Nando Cristofori with a commemoration to be held on Friday 10 May at 11.00 at the Verdi Centre.

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