“Amnesty for prisoners, abolish the death penalty

The Pope, on the occasion of the Jubilee of 2025, addressed the Governments of the world asking them to take initiatives aimed at restoring hope to prisoners and said – “In the Jubilee Year we will be called to be tangible signs of hope for many brothers and sisters who live in difficult conditions. I think of the prisoners who, deprived of freedom, experience every day, in addition to the harshness of imprisonment, the emotional void, the restrictions imposed and, in quite a few cases, the lack of respect.

“I propose to the Governments – added the Pontiff – that in the Year of Jubilee initiatives are taken that restore hope; forms of amnesty or sentence remission aimed at helping people regain confidence in themselves and in society; reintegration paths into the community which correspond to a concrete commitment to complying with the laws”.

It’s an ancient call – the Pope underlined – which comes from the Word of God and remains with all its wisdom value in invoking acts of clemency and liberation that allow us to start again”.

Hence the warning: “In every corner of the earth, believers, especially Pastors, should act as interpreters of these requests, forming a single voice that courageously calls for dignified conditions for those imprisoned, respect for human rights and, above all, the abolition of punishment of death, a provision contrary to the Christian faith and which destroys any hope of forgiveness and renewal”.

Then followed the announcement of what the Pope himself will do: “To offer prisoners a concrete sign of closeness, I myself wish to open a Holy Door in a prisonso that it may be a symbol for them that invites them to look to the future with hope and with a renewed commitment to life”.

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