here comes Vigneti Aperti – Nordest24

here comes Vigneti Aperti – Nordest24
here comes Vigneti Aperti – Nordest24

And from March 17 that, on several occasions, the cellars of Friuli Venezia Giulia welcome lovers of good wine and of good table thanks to the initiative Open Vineyards. This event unique, yes will continue until October offers an amazing opportunity to explore the vineyards of the region and enjoy its food and wine excellences in an environment convivial it’s safe.

The initiative, which takes place every weekend, promises engaging outdoor experiences. Visitors will be able to participate in guided tours in the vineyards and in cellarenjoy appetizers among the vines, dive in sensory laboratoriesenjoy outdoor picnics, and even participate in exclusive dinners with the winemakers. The event is not just limited to tastings, but offers a complete experience to discover the area through its flavors and traditions.

The wineries participating in this exciting event during weekend of May 11th and 12th they are numerous and offer a variety of interesting proposals.

From Vigne del Malina to Bucovaz Wines: cellars open on weekends

Bucovaz Wines (San Giovanni al Natisone)

Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th Mayor, Bucovaz Wines delivers guided tours of the cellar, walks among the vineyards and tastings of 4 wines with gastronomic pairing. Reservation mandatory.

Elio Vini (Cividale del Friuli)

Extraordinary opening of the cellar with visits to the vineyards ORGANIC And tastings of a selection of wines, accompanied by appetizers locals.

Ferrin Paolo (Chimney to the Tagliamento)

Visit to vineyards and to the cellar led by the owner, followed by a tasting of 10 types of wines accompanied by local products as Zanin Valentino raw ham and cheeses from La Sisisle Organic Dairy.

Giacomo Orlando (Prepotto)

Guided tour to vineyards and to cellar with tasting of 4 wines. Reservation required.

Spolert Winery (Prepotto)

Tastings of wines And gastronomic products local, with agritourism service available.

Truant Wine (San Daniele del Friuli)

Walk among the vineyards followed by tastings of wines paired with San Daniele ham. Reservation mandatory.

Malina vineyards (Orzano)

Visits drive to the vineyard followed by tastings in company wine shop with cutting board sliced And cheeses.

These are just some of the events organized by cellars of the region. Each location offers a unique experience to immerse yourself in culture winemaking And gastronomic of Friuli. It is advisable reserve in advance to guarantee a place and fully enjoy the experience of Open Vineyards.

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