another very serious suspect appears – Libero Quotidiano

Giovanni M. Jacobazzi

09 May 2024

The president of the Liguria Region Giovanni Toti he will be questioned tomorrow at the prosecutor’s office in Genoa by investigating judge Paola Faggioni. The first to be summoned this morning for the interrogation is the former president of the Port Authority and (suspended) CEO of Iren, Paolo Emilio Signorini, detained in the Marassi prison. The interrogations of Matteo Cozzani, Toti’s chief of staff and former mayor of Portovenere, and the Genoese entrepreneur Aldo Spinelli, both under house arrest, are scheduled for Saturday. Cozzani will also be heard on Monday in La Spezia in the matter which sees him under investigation regarding some abuses on the island of Palmaria where he wanted to build a bathing establishment. «Whoever was able to hear it», reported the governor pro tempore Alessandro Piana, «he told me that Toti is calm and willing to collaborate and clarify everything that needs to be clarified».

«The president is determined to delve deeper into the documents to present a defense that explains how all the facts referred to in the documents themselves are in reality to be interpreted differently in light of the policy that the Region led by him has always pursued», was the lawyer’s comment Stefano SaviToti’s defender, underlining how his client’s work has always been aimed at “protecting the territory, even through forms that have led to misunderstandings but which in reality have never bordered on anything illicit”.

The Finance seized yesterday 216 thousand euros in cash and other money in foreign currency yet to be quantified during the search of Spinelli’s home. Three hunting rifles and two compressed air rifles were also found in the house of the former president of Genoa and Livorno, reported by his mother-in-law in 2015, but not by her direct interested party. The prosecutor’s office would also be investigating one of the maxi contracts, on which the ANAC has activated its offices for some time, for the construction of the new breakwater of the port, one of the ten strategic projects financed both with the allocations of the national complementary fund and with Pnrr money. The investigation is entrusted to prosecutor Walter Cotugno, the same one who is following the hearing over the collapse of the Morandi bridge. And speaking of the port of Genoa, he is under investigation for abuse of office Paolo Piacenzacurrent commissioner of the Port Authority and former general secretary of the body.

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