South Tyrol trains 14 new professional firefighters

South Tyrol trains 14 new professional firefighters
South Tyrol trains 14 new professional firefighters

Interventions in the event of forest fires are also at the center of the training program

The firefighting helicopter takes water from the Adige river and flies towards the mobile tanks for temporary storage, while the mobile pumps are used to put out the fire. When it comes to a forest fire, simulated from the ground and from the sky, networking is essential to complete an intervention in the shortest time possible.
After nine months of training, the 11th firefighter training course will soon be completed. At the end of the educational path, 13 firefighter candidates and one female firefighter candidate, once they have passed the exams, will become part of the Permanent Fire Brigade Corps of Bolzano.

The President of the Province and Councilor for Civil Protection, Arno Kompatscher, and the Councilor for Forestry Luis Walcher were able to get to know firsthand the different phases involved in the rescue operations during the exercise held today on the hill of Monte Imperiale (Kaiserberg), in Firmian Castle. Also present was the director of the Civil Protection Agency Klaus Unterweger. For the first time, drones were used which, through radio communication, received instructions from the staff on the ground.

«Firefighters aspire to a profession that also represents a vocation, since it will be their task to work for the well-being and protection of the population during rescue operations», President Kompatscher wanted to underline: «You have already completed instructive training, tiring and demanding – he continued – part of this intense program still awaits you”, added Kompatscher, addressing future professional firefighters.
«Today the collaboration between the provincial forestry corps and the firefighters of the Permanent Corps of Bolzano is being put into practice in view of the future forest fire season», remarked the provincial councilor Luis Walcher.

«Last year 33 forest fires and brush burnings were recorded in Alto Adige, which affected a total area of ​​28.4 hectares of forest», specified Rainer Ploner, director of the Bolzano 1 forestry inspectorate.
The average for each fire was almost one hectare (0.87 hectares). This data can be traced back to the timely intervention of all rescue forces, firefighting teams and forestry personnel.

Theoretical and practical training
«During the training course, 13 firefighter candidates and one female firefighter candidate have followed theoretical and practical training since September, which they will complete on June 7th», underlines the course instructor, fire inspector Felix Reggiani .
In addition to fighting fires, including airport fires and technical assistance, the calendar also includes interventions in the event of road accidents, industrial accidents and accidents involving dangerous materials, as well as medical aid and first aid. All course participants are trained as lifeguards in 100 hours of lessons, as well as a course for rescue in running waters.

The program also includes rescue at height and fall protection. The theoretical part of the program is also comprehensive and covers subjects such as chemistry, physics and construction, as well as the legal basis of the fire service and criminal police.
During the training, the various vehicles of professional firefighters, schemes and intervention procedures are also presented, since each firefighter must perform some fixed functions during each outing.
Lessons are also held at the state fire brigade school in Rome and at the professional fire brigade in Munich.

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