what future after this 2024?

The Civic Schools of Milan they have always been one of the fundamental pillars of the city’s educational offering, representing a model of high-quality and accessible education. After months of uncertainties and protests, a plan finally seems to be emerging more stable future thanks to a significant agreement reached between the Milan Foundation and the unions.

The matter took a positive turn on April 30thwhen a compromise was announced that promises to hold up And relaunch these institutions educational. According to what emerged from the minutes of the agreement, the Milan Foundation is committed to guaranteeing the maintenance of jobs and he assured the immediate opening of registrationsfor all courses included in the teaching offer of the next academic year, without any suspension clause.

Civic Schools of Milan, the agreement between the Milan Foundation and the trade unions

A fundamental point of the agreement concerns the introduction of a new one tariff system for enrollments in the 2024/25 training yearwhich provides based on increasing brackets on the ISEE. This approach aims to make schools even more accessible, especially for less wealthy families. The Foundation has also planned to present one to the Municipality of Milan request for additional funding to cover all the costs foreseen by the current agreement.

In addition to employment and teaching stability, the agreement provides for actions of communication and information aimed at enhancing the attractiveness of schools, with the imminent publication of the notices for the management of Theater and Music schools.

The industrial plan for schools

The parties agreed to enter into an ongoing dialogue to define a industrial plan that safeguards schools and their future development. This plan will have to guarantee the resources necessary for the full functioning of the schools and provide a long-term vision that exceeds 2030, with periodic verification of financing for subsequent years.

The commitment to protecting the civic nature of schools, maintaining accessibility and quality of education. Further resources are also provided to accelerate the career progression of teachers, while at the same time encouraging the active participation of workers in decision-making processes.

With these steps, the Civic Schools of Milan will not only continue to offer excellent education but will project themselves as a reference model for the future of public training. The social partners welcomed these developments, suspended the state of agitation and confidently awaited the ratification of the agreement by the Workers’ Assembly scheduled for 17 May 2024.

What are the Civic Schools of Milan

The Civic Schools of Milan are high-level musical and artistic training institutes managed by the Municipality of Milan. These schools offer courses in various artistic and musical disciplines and also in areas such as theater and dance, intended both for young students who wish to undertake professional paths and for adults and enthusiasts who seek to deepen their interest or hobby.

Here are the Civic Schools of Milan:

  1. Civic School of Music Claudio Abbado: offers musical training courses at various levels, including pre-academic programs, basic courses, and master classes for musical instruments, singing, and composition. The school also organizes events, concerts and cultural activities open to the public.
  2. Paolo Grassi Civic Theater School: founded in 1951, this school is one of the most prestigious theater training institutes in Italy. It offers courses in acting, directing, set design and other disciplines related to the world of theatre.
  3. Altiero Spinelli Civic School of Interpreters and Translators: ffounded by the Municipality of Milan in 1980, it includes the first level diploma course in Linguistic Mediation and two second level diploma courses in Translation and International Communication (Relations Internationales et langues), and the Master of Interpretation: the foundations.
  4. Civic School of Cinema Luchino Visconti: established more recently than the others, it offers courses that cover various aspects of film and television production, including directing, screenwriting, editing, and production.

Each school is equipped with qualified teachers and adequate facilities to guarantee high-level training. Civic schools not only enrich the Milanese cultural panorama, but also contribute to training future generations of artists and professionals in the field of performing arts.

What are the forms of financing for the Civic Schools of Milan

The Civic Schools of Milan, being managed by the Municipality of Milan, receive a significant part of their funding directly from the municipal coffers. This public support is essential to enable schools to offer high-quality education at affordable rates for students.

In addition to public funding, schools can also receive contributions through:

  1. Student fees and contributions: Students pay fees for the courses they take. These fees vary depending on the course, duration and level of specialization.
  2. Sponsorships and partnerships: Schools often partner with private entities, cultural institutions and other organizations that can provide financial or in-kind support. These partnerships may include event sponsorships, student scholarships, and other forms of support.
  3. Funds from special projects and initiatives: Schools can participate in projects funded by government or European bodies, or they can organize special events that generate additional income.
  4. Donations and patronage: Donations from individuals, foundations or corporations are another source of funding that can support specific projects or the schools’ overall mission.
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