OpenAI is ready to challenge Google: the AI-powered search engine could be announced on Monday

We may be just a weekend away before OpenAI makes a bold move to unseat Google from its throne.

In fact, it seems that next Monday is the date set for the launch of the new one ChatGPT based search enginea gesture that could easily be mistaken as an affront, considering it would happen just the day before Google’s annual I/O conference aimed at developers.

It seems that the recent rumors coming from Bloomberg and The Information will be confirmed sooner than expected.
OpenAI has been working intensively lately on developing an AI-based search tool that integrates its popular chatbot, reportedly also using support from Bing.

This new interface would be designed for enrich through AI search results with phrases, explanations, summaries and insights upon user request.

Without too many worries

OpenAI could try to oust Google in the field of online searches

These reports, which almost prefigure the end of an era, or at least question Google’s dominance in the search field, nevertheless open up uncertain paths.

The scenarios in which artificial intelligence manages to take over the tasks usually entrusted to other entities still remain limited: currently, chatbots mainly present deficiencies in accuracy in reporting information.
Seeking accuracy in real-time results, at present, would be unrealistic, as also demonstrated by the attempts made by some OpenAI plug-ins in ChatGPT, which were then promptly withdrawn.
Above all, it would be anomalous to expect a certain type of results without considering a significant reworking of the research protocols.

Google responded quickly to the reported statements, however, with head of research Prabhakar Raghavan saying: “We can’t expect roses and flowers forever. If there is a clear market reality present, we need to react more quickly, as Google does. athletes,” as reported by CNBC.

To maintain the trust built over the years with users, Raghavan recognized the importance of considering new tools that are developed, while underlining that currently Google remains the main source to which web users turn when looking for information.

Pretenders to the throne

The presentation of the ChatGPT search engine could take place as early as this Monday
The presentation of the ChatGPT search engine could take place as early as this Monday

Various realities seem to emerge to propose their alternative to web search: in addition to OpenAI, which goes so far as to try to persuade Google employees to work on its project, there is also Perplexityborn from a former OpenAI researcher with a billion-dollar startup, who claims that his similar research tool has already reached 10 million active users since the beginning of the year.

The possible launch of OpenAI’s AI-powered search engine, one day before the annual I/O conference, would first and foremost be a clear signal of the desire to challenge Google in its dominance of the sector.
If at the moment the Mountain View giant does not seem to be in danger of being disturbed in his rest, the rapid and growing popularity of ChatGPT could soon give him some bad dreams.

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