Cyberpunk 2077 has an “Extremely Positive” rating on Steam, CD Projekt RED thanks

Cyberpunk 2077 has an “Extremely Positive” rating on Steam, CD Projekt RED thanks
Cyberpunk 2077 has an “Extremely Positive” rating on Steam, CD Projekt RED thanks

Cyberpunk 2077 it’s one of those rare redemption stories. Published in a less than commendable state (mostly on consoles, a little less on PC), CD Projekt RED’s role-playing game needed months and years of updates, with continuous improvements that finally made it a game of quality also from a technical point of view and not just content. Furthermore, the arrival of the excellent Phantom Liberty expansion has done nothing but improve the game’s reputation. Now, even the Steam reviews They highlight how much things have changed.

Some CD Projekt RED figures have in fact reported via Twitter a recent achievement of the game: Cyberpunk 2077 can now boast a number of positive reviews of 95% with an overall rating of “Extremely positive“, out of a total of 6959 reviews.

Pawel Sasko, Quest Director of Cyberpunk 2077wrote via his account: “You can’t imagine how much it means to me. I’ve never been close to giving up and I’ve always believed that this could somehow be possible, but I never thought I could actually see it. Thank you so much for the second chance you gave me.”

Marcin Momot, Global Community Directorinstead wrote: “Recent reviews of Cyberpunk 2077 on Steam are at 95% and extremely positive. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

How far are the total reviews?

Cyberpunk 2077 takes us to a sci-fi world with enhanced humans

We repeat that this data refers to the most recent reviews, which indicate that Cyberpunk 2077 is now considered an excellent game.

However, it is also interesting to see what the total number of reviews is, also taking into account the negative votes published at launch. At the time of writing, Cyberpunk 2077 reports an 83% with over 650,000 reviewshowever also calculated by eliminating reviews that Steam considers to be “irrelevant”.

Will the overall rating be able to become Extremely Positive? It’s hard to say because every percentage point requires more and more positive reviews. This is the same situation No Man’s Sky finds itself in.

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