Tiberi: after the efforts of Mottolino, dinner with pizza and dessert

LIVIGNO – The Giro d’Italia heads into its final week after the efforts of Mottolino, from which Tiberi recovered with a “prize dinner”. The runners must prepare for the final efforts of the pink race, but to do so they must first build up their energy. This detail, in particular, it passes through nutrition which becomes increasingly specific and refined. Three weeks of racing is a long time, together with the head of the nutritionists of the Bahrain Victorious team Nicola Moschetti we talk about how it changes between the first and last day.

«Let’s start from the days before the Giro – says Moschetti – those of transition in which it is a little more difficult to manage everything from a nutritional point of view. Starting from carbohydrates we can say that the intake level is medium-low, in order not to gain too much weight given that the training sessions are less intense.”

Tiberi and his companions at the Giro have the kitchen van with them (photo Charly Lopez)
Tiberi and his companions at the Giro have the kitchen van with them (photo Charly Lopez)

Loading begins

On the eve of the pink debut in Turin the runners began to store energy in view of the efforts of the pink race.

«Specifically, you eat more carbohydrates – he continues – this is done based on the type of stage and the expected effort. In the Turin stage the route wasn’t too demanding, but the next day there was already the first uphill finish, that of Oropa. For this reason, since the eve of the Giro, the boys have consumed the indicated quantity of carbohydrates to be ready for the effort of the second stage».

After many days the need to integrate the right amount of carbohydrates must be accompanied by taste
After many days the need to integrate the right amount of carbohydrates must be accompanied by taste
Is carbohydrate loading the same for everyone?

No. Carbohydrate intake during the race varies based on the type of stage and strategy. There are fractions for sprinters where it is higher, reaching 120 grams now. In yesterday’s stage, for example, which was for climbers like Tiberi and Caruso, the sprinters consumed fewer carbohydrates, say 100 grams per hour. The climbers, on the other hand, who were required to make a great effort, reached 120-130 grams per hour.

Is the strategy differentiated from athlete to athlete?

That’s right, each runner is followed by me on a daily basis. I base it on its energy and caloric expenditure, on the power it has during the race and from there we try to maximize recovery after the stage. Then from dinner and the subsequent breakfast you already load up based on the next day. We plan and study everything, but then the race is race and it goes in different ways sometimes. Many things happen which are then adjusted at the end of the day and from there we try to maximize the athletes’ output and performance.

For example?

Yesterday was one of the hardest stages from a nutritional point of view (222 kilometers for 5,300 meters of altitude difference) because the athletes consumed 7,000 to 10,000 calories. So it wasn’t possible to do the carbohydrate loading just the day before because the quantity would have been too large to manage and digest. There would not have been time to take the necessary quantity.

The rest day meal is also calibrated to store the right amount of energy for the last week
The rest day meal is also calibrated to store the right amount of energy for the last week
Are we talking about such high numbers?

We are between 260-280 grams of carbohydrates for dinner and breakfast. Plus they had to have breakfast very early because the stage started at 10.25am so there was also a timing problem and consequently we started charging from the time trial.

To reach those quantities of carbohydrates, what diet do you propose?

We try to consume foods that are easily digestible, absorbable but also palatable. Runners must be encouraged to eat because the problem especially in the third week is that the appetite is reduced. Sometimes they have difficulty reaching that carbohydrate quota because they are quite tired and consequently their appetite is also reduced. To stimulate them, we offer pasta with good-tasting condiments: garlic and oil, pesto, cherry tomatoes and ham.

Does this reasoning apply to all foods?

Yes, even desserts for example. We try to make desserts rich in carbohydrates such as tart, creme brulee, strudel, apple pie. All things that help increase the carbohydrate intake in order to reach the quota of 260-280 grams.

While running you need to find the right balance between solid and liquid carbohydrates
While running you need to find the right balance between solid and liquid carbohydrates
After two weeks of running you make a compromise between appetite and need.

Exactly, we could also give him potatoes but they are a substantial food with a reduced carbohydrate intake. Even bread is a bit limited, for example 100 grams of bread contains around 50 grams of carbohydrates…

For breakfast instead?

A lot of rice is used, which takes up little volume and provides easily absorbable carbohydrates. I really like crepes with jam, they are a “hit” of important carbohydrates and sugars. It is about 3-4 crepes with lots of jam, honey, agave syrup, so that they are encouraged to eat.

How much does the riders’ appetite reduce during the Giro?

There is a metabolic issue, fatigue, stress and therefore everything is reduced. After yesterday’s arrival, many were really struggling to eat because they were really at their limit. Also because they come from a tough two weeks behind them.

Bread and condiments can never be missing from the table (photo Charly Lopez)
Bread and condiments can never be missing from the table (photo Charly Lopez)
Tiberi suffered a lot yesterday after losing a minute to his direct rivals.

Tiberi, like all the men in the rankings, was called to do two really demanding stages. In that case, the supplements that our sponsors provide us come into play.

Does anything change between the intake of liquid and solid carbohydrates during the Giro?

We need to find the right balance but it is subjective. Exaggerating with liquids can lead to gastrointestinal problems. Yesterday, however, in the first part it was difficult to eat, to take on something solid they had to wait for the part of the valley after the Mortirolo. The food strategy was designed to ensure that he achieved the adequate intake and also had the correct digestive times.

Are there any changes in terms of assimilation over the three weeks?

We train athletes at home to absorb a high amount of carbohydrates, this then helps us during the three weeks. However, during the first two weeks the intake is maximum, the risk is that in the latter the ability to assimilate energy is reduced. Tiberi, like the others, in home workouts they are taught to eat 120-130 grams of carbohydrates per hour twice a week.

While running, runners must consume a water bottle every hour for proper hydration
While running, runners must consume a water bottle every hour for proper hydration
What about other macronutrients?

Fats and proteins are calculated stage by stage but do not vary over the three weeks. We are talking about avocado, dried fruit or oil. If there is a more demanding stage, the athlete is encouraged to eat more fat. The goal is not to lose weight therefore the integration is done in this sense.

For hydration instead?

While running, you always drink half a liter of water every hour (a water bottle, ed.). We monitor the athlete’s weight and if this drops by 5 percent we are faced with a case of dehydration. In this case we intervene to restore what has been lost.

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