Martin dominates the weekend, but that Marquez who appears behind…

The weekend finale of MotoGP at Le Mans confirmed Jorge Martin’s form. Everything was fine, if it weren’t for Marquez returning to great splendor.

The report cards:
– Jorge Martin 10: doesn’t do anything wrong, takes away all the good stuff and keeps the sprightly old man at a distance
– Marc Marquez 9: misses the qualification but then takes home two masterpiece races, and takes Bagnaia’s stone off his shoe
– Pecco Bagnaia 6: maybe the problem on Saturday wasn’t his fault, but on Sunday he left too many points on the track and got them from Marquez
– Maverick Vinales and Enea Bastiani 7: they don’t shine but they do a good job, they bring home important points and stay close
– Pedro Acosta 5: France not very friendly, falls on Sunday, falls behind on Saturday. Opaque
– Diggia: they deserve the legendary “from 5 to six”, they deceive us but they don’t conclude. But it’s there.

It is precisely that, it is precisely that Marc Marquez who has won eight titles to reappear on the world scene, certainly aided by the best bike on the circuit, a Marquez who does those things that were done when the bikes weren’t all so the same and so closethe art of devouring the meters that divide two motorbikes with the sound of thrusts of the kidneys, almost as if they were motorbikes of different categories.

Marc Marquez between old school and a second youth

This Marc Marquez who now enters the world fight placing himself a few meters behind Pecco Bagnaia also in the world rankings, this Marquez who fills Gigi Dall’Igna’s head with a thousand doubts, who will be the right rider for the factory team? The doubt is that this Marquez who is not yet known at his level, that the phase of growth and harmony with Ducati is not over yet. A bad problem for many.

Maverick Vinales at Le Mans

He is the protagonist of the weekend, more than the Majorcan who swept the awards on the French circuit. There MotoGP had lost an often discussed but indisputably talented champion, and today he finds him again. The possibility of a great chance appears, now that Pecco stumbles as often happens to him, now that Marquez has found safety, a second phase of his career to break many, many records again.

Need a superpower upgrade for Pecco?

For Pecco, a weekend with a bitter taste, a Sprint Race that continues to be no friend to him, a Sunday that found the mockery of that Marquez on the last lap who took a clean revenge, and who puts a post-it on his slate with the words “I’m at the party too”. For Pecco it’s time to change gear, from here to title number three MotoGP will have to acquire more superpowershe will have to be… a little more consistent Martin… a little more ravenous Marquez.

Pecco Bagnaia at Le Mans

Jorge Martin Sprint racing specialist, immediately greets the company and stands at a distance. Second place seems to have been assigned to a revived Marco Bezzecchi, who however wastes everything with a slip. Incredible start instead for Marc Marquez, who from 13th place finds himself on the podium in a couple of laps and then takes advantage of Bezzecchi’s crash to recover more points.
Sunday’s race seems to be Pecco and Martin’s affair, but after a long chase that rewards Jorge Martin in the final stages, Marc Marquez enters and joins the duo in the final stages. Pecco gets distracted while trying to pass Martin, and Marquez overtakes him a few corners from the finish line.

The weekend ends with a positive thought for Enea Bastianini and Maverick Vinales, not on the podium but in great consistency, but it’s a shame for Marc Bezzecchi who ends with two crashes, in a weekend where it seemed like he was getting back the Bez that last year did dream of having another Italian champion.

Next appointment with the races is in Barcelona with the MotoGP.

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