Yana Malayko, found the body of the 23-year-old from Castiglione delle Stiviere

It was hidden among brambles in a field on the border between the provinces of Mantua and Brescia (shortly after the Lonato sign), behind a nursery, Yana Malayko, the 23-year-old Ukrainian who disappeared on 20 January in Castiglione delle Stiviere in the Mantua area: after days of searching, the body was found this afternoon under a pile of wood, around 3.15 pm, by the carabinieri, who were searching the area together with some volunteers. The prosecutor of Mantua is also on the spot Manuela Fasolato. The area of ​​the discovery is precisely the one where the efforts of the search teams had concentrated in recent weeks, the countryside between Castiglione and Lonato.

The man who according to the investigators killed her, her ex boyfriend, continues to remain silent Dumitru Stratan, a 34-year-old Moldovan who has been in prison in Mantua since 21 January on charges of premeditated voluntary murder and concealment of a body. In the repeated interrogations arranged by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the man always availed himself of the right not to answer, refusing to give useful indications for the discovery of the young woman’s body, who had recently left him, exasperated by the constant quarrels and by the disinterest of his companion for the search for a job.

Disappearance of Yana Malayko, the movements of ex-companion Dumitru are being investigated: perhaps he had an accomplice. A spade in her car

by Lucia Landoni

January 25, 2023

“I would like to ask everyone for help in finding my daughter, who is probably dead – said Yana’s father, Oleksander, in a video appeal posted yesterday on social networks – She had arrived in Italy to have a more beautiful life. I would like to make a request to the Her fiancé: Please tell me where the body is.” Also yesterday a video of the girl’s mother was released on the web, Tatiana Serbenchukcurrently residing in Canada: “Italy had become a second home for my daughter and now I’m asking the Italians for help in finding her – said the woman, who in recent days had already written an open letter inviting as many people as possible to join to the searches – Anyone who sees anything strange or hears cries for help please cooperate with the police.”

Yana’s mother had then directly addressed Dumitru Stratan: “You know where Yana is, maybe she’s still alive – had been her plea, still full of hope – Please, say it. Please, give us our daughter back” . In recent days, over 500 people had gathered in the square in Castiglione delle Stiviere to show solidarity with the 23-year-old’s family: placards and banners against gender-based violence had been displayed, while protesters demanded justice for Yana by rallying around her father and the boy with whom the girl had started a relationship after ending the one with Stratan.

Femicide of Yana Malayko, the detention of the man accused of killing her validated: no answer to the investigating judge’s questions

by Lucia Landoni

January 23, 2023

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