Meloni-Schlein, face to face on May 23rd at Porta a Porta with Bruno Vespa – Libero Quotidiano

Meloni-Schlein, face to face on May 23rd at Porta a Porta with Bruno Vespa – Libero Quotidiano
Meloni-Schlein, face to face on May 23rd at Porta a Porta with Bruno Vespa – Libero Quotidiano

Bruno Vespa’s coup. The comparison between Elly Schlein And Giorgia Meloni it will be on Rai Uno and one of the most prestigious faces in public service will be the host. The announcement came today and the duel ahead of the European Championships will be held on May 23rd. Therefore, the Porta a Porta living room will host one of the most anticipated clashes which will in fact ignite the last phase of the electoral campaign which for Fratelli d’Italia will end with the intervention of Giorgia Meloni on June 1st.

In recent weeks the two staff, that of the prime minister and that of the dem secretary, would have come into contact to define the details of the face-to-face meeting on TV. And apparently the meeting point was on public service and on a historic presenter like Bruno Vespa. For Meloni it is a second electoral face-to-face after the overwhelming victory against Enrico Letta during the 2022 elections. Elly Schlein is playing for everything, in fact her PD is stuck in the polls in a range that goes from 19 to 20 percent. The minimum threshold to avoid earthquakes in the Nazarene after the vote. FdI, on the other hand, flies well above the bar set by Meloni at 26 percent.

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