Meloni: “Ideological debate on the premiership, I’m not backing down” – News

Meloni: “Ideological debate on the premiership, I’m not backing down” – News
Meloni: “Ideological debate on the premiership, I’m not backing down” – News

“This is the debate that I hope can accompany the process of this reform which begins examination today” in the Senate: “I think it is a mistake to approach these issues with an ideological approach, especially linked to contingent interests, which is the prevailing orientation in this debate” but “it would be a mistake for politicians to back down and throw in the towel in the face of this attitude”. Thus the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni at the conference on the premiership in the Chamber.

“Those who believe they are the exclusive custodians of the Constitution – he added – paradoxically undermine its unifying function. If the Constitution belongs to everyone, and it belongs to everyone, its interpretation cannot favor a single political culture or a single point of view”.

“I believe that the more we can stay on the merits, and not base the debate on bias, the more we can arrive at a text, I don’t know how much is shared, but better”, added Meloni. The first objective of the reform of the Premiership, she added, “is to guarantee the right of citizens to choose who to govern themselves by, and put an end to the season of technical governments, of reversals, to the season of rainbow majorities which have no correspondence with the popular vote”.

“The Second Goal” that the reform of the premiership arises “is that whoever is chosen by the people to govern can do so with a legislative horizonmay he have the time to carry forward the program with which he presented himself to the citizens: time and stability are a decisive condition for building any strategy and therefore for restoring credibility to our institutions in front of the citizens and this nation with our international interlocutors”.

“I read about leaders who say to stop the reform with the bodies. I don’t know whether to read it as a threat or as a substantial lack of argument on the merits.”
The Prime Minister said this, implicitly referring to the exhortation given by the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein to her senators. “I too would prefer” dialogue, he added, referring to one of the aspects that emerged in the seminar, “and I will do what I can for a reform that has the broadest consensus. But when the answer is ‘we will stop it with our bodies’ – he concluded smiling Meloni – I see it tough”.

To know more Meloni-Ideological-debate-on-the-premier ANSA Agency Premiership: Schlein to the senators, stop this acceleration. Call the square on June 2 – News – “This extraordinary assembly responds to an acceleration that I ask you to stop which is dictated by the most wrong, electoral reasons and, think how out of place they are when attempts are made to tamper with the Constitution. (ANSA)

“It is always better not to end up with a divisive referendum” on the Constitution “but I am obliged to remember that the Republic was born on a divisive referendum and it was a good thing, it is democracy and it was foreseen by the founding fathers”, Meloni argued, adding that “The founding fathers preferred a reform” approved “by two thirds” of Parliament “but they did not rule out” the referendum because “they also understood the stalemate that could come from political tactics: I think that in the face of tactics, the attempt to ask Italians what they think of this proposal made for them should be explored”.

“A reform that ensures stable governments elected by the people is the most appropriate measure on the economic and social justice front. Naturally, in the necessary dialogue with the social partners. How to achieve this democracy? This is the question we asked ourselves when we wrote this reform. We need to safeguard the guarantee bodies, starting from the super partes referee function of the head of state. And that is exactly what this reform does: it was a choice to leave the fundamental powers of the President of the Republic unchanged” said the Prime Minister according to whom “This reform can better define the framework in such a way as not to force the President of the Republic to exercise a role which is not his own and which, being drawn into the middle of the political debate, can weaken his authority”. In the past the Quirinale has been “called more extensively” to “the role of substitute for a policy incapable of deciding: and the need for the President of the Republic to exercise the role of substitute does not strengthen his figure, does not put him at shelter from criticisms typical of political confrontation and conflict”

“An unstable democracy – added Meloni – is also a democracy that has no decision-making capacity and ends up” that “those who have the task of representing citizens and their requests find themselves weaker than powers that do not have the same purpose, powers economic bureaucracies, lobbies: I understand that those who have exercised power in place of politics today may fear a reform like this”.

I think that this proposal ensures the correct distribution of roles enshrined in the Constitution by virtue of which the government and the Chambers determine the political direction and the Head of State” exercises “the function of guarantee, putting an end to overlaps which in our weaknesses and difficulties have sometimes created more problems than solutions”.

“There is a fundamental difference between politics and other worlds that believe they can make up for it, that with respect to politics the people have instruments of judgement, I I think that democracy must be exercised through politics, I think that when politics is weak and other powers think of playing nice and bad weather they don’t always do it in the interests of the citizens because unlike politics they are not judged by the citizens.” “Today Italy is perceived as a Of the most stable nations on the landscape, people have confidence in investing with us because we are stable. The government’s measures and posture have something to do with it, but above all stability.”

“The average duration of governments in history has been just over a year. With its 164 days of government, the government I preside over is currently the sixteenth in longevity. If he reaches the European Championships he will be the thirteenth. If he were to eat panettone it would be the sixth” said the prime minister.

Excessive use of emergency decrees it has affected all governments, despite the warnings of all the presidents of the Republic, and this eliminates the space for legislative initiative by Parliament. It’s a topic that interests me. It would be very interesting if parties wanted to raise the question to strengthen the role of Parliament’s legislative initiative. Let’s talk about it, it is correct to build counterweights if there are proposals on the merits” added Meloni. “But let’s not say – continued the prime minister – that Parliament has been strong so far and that the reform of the premiership wants to deprive it of its prerogatives. Parliament has been deprived of its prerogatives due to the malfunctioning of the system, we have all denounced it and this reform partly solves the problem. Then there is a problem of reform of parliamentary regulations, it would be very valuable, I say this as a hope and advice, as a former vice president of the Chamber”.

“But let’s not tell ourselves – continued the Prime Minister – that Parliament has been strong so far and that the reform of the Prime Ministership wants to deprive it of its prerogatives. Parliament has been deprived of its prerogatives due to the malfunctioning of the system, we have all denounced it and this reform partly solves the problem. Then there is a problem of reform of parliamentary regulations, it would be very valuable, I say this as a hope and advice, as a former vice president of the Chamber”.

“I was an opposition parliamentarian for 10 years, my dimension is even more strictly linked to those who were subject to the emergency decree, imagine if I don’t understand it…” the Prime Minister said smiling, speaking about the issue of excessive appeal to the law decrees.

“I am convinced that we would do the nation a good service if we accompanied” the reform to “an electoral law that reconstructs the elector-voter relationship and consolidates the democracy of alternation. I believe I was the president of the only party that had the courage to present amendments that reintroduced preferences for the election of parliamentarians, I have never been against it, I am open to this too”. Giorgia Meloni said this at the conference on the premiership “Part of the weakness of Parliament is the result of this because it changes whether you depend on the citizen who elects you or on the party secretary who indicates you.”

“We did what the citizens asked us to do. This theme was in our electoral program. We have proposed a reform that solves some of the great structural problems of this nation, which is why I define it as ‘the mother of all reforms’. And we did it by touching 7 articles. We did it on tiptoe. We did not make a reform that came in straight away, that distorted the Constitution. It was a political choice, one of dialogue. I started from a French semi-presidential system, from another model. We met the other forces and they all said that the President of the Republic cannot be touched. So I abandoned semi-presidentialism, because it would have been divisive”. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said this. She then reiterated that the aim of the work on the reform was to “tiptoe in, while still making a great revolution”.

“I hope that this reform, also with dialogue, can reach a two-thirds majority, if it doesn’t happen, the word will go to the Italians. . And it will be the Italians who will tell us whether this system is better than the one we have had over the years” hoped Meloni and “When the referendum arrives, the Italians will have the final say. Because the Constitution is not mine, the Constitution belongs to everyone, and first of all it belongs to the Italian people.”

Personalization is a mistake. This reform does not concern myself or President Mattarella. It’s about another world, a hypothetical future. This is why it is worth discussing instead of always personalizing everything. He had no problem voting for the cut in parliamentarians. There are issues on which opposition as an end in itself is useless. The citizens and the credibility of the institutions pay for this tactical game” said the Prime Minister.

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