I would like popular music in the Constitution

«More than for all the songs I wrote, I would like to be remembered for what will become a law», he says Antonello Venditti that in the headquarters of Ministry of Culture presents the projects (in the presence of undersecretary Gianmarco Mazzi) related to forty years of the album Heart and the song Night before exams.

Music in the Constitution

The Roman singer-songwriter takes advantage of the anniversary to try to create a dream: insert into Constitution there contemporary popular music. «If it hadn’t been there, this country wouldn’t be united, yet it isn’t recognized or supported by any government», he explains to a packed audience, including two classes of students from the Julius Caesar he was born in Visconti. «We need to give dignity to Fabrizio De André it’s at Geolier. I would like music to enter our Constitution, as it does sports and all the Artscinema, theatre».

«There is a need for funds and grants»

There law proposal it is already ready, prepared by Venditti (degree in law) with the lawyer Luca Pardo. The comparison with other songwriters, explains Antonello, it is impossible. «We have to go to peel them from the comfort zone and from an absolute solitude». Young talents are «victims of an intellectual precariat which leads toanguish and to no longer have the freedom to be yourself.” There is a need for «funds and subsidies. Today the opportunities are Sanremo and talent.” And those who say that «you can’t eat with culture» reply: «Popular music feeds others. Just look at what happens in cinema: they get the honors, we get the burdens. We pay for everything, too Rocco Siffredi who tells himself. Is this Italian culture?”.

The minister is late

Gennaro Sangiuliano is in delayit was necessary to intervene at the States General of the accountants. Venditti doesn’t wait and goes to piano to sing Night before examsbut before he jokes: “Life goes on. There freedom there is, there democracy mashed potato. Maybe the minister he missed an excellent opportunity to hear my performance.”

A song for Lucio Dalla

He also sings We need a frienddedicated to Lucio Dalla. «He was the one who found me there home where I am transferred and where I wrote Thanks Rome, We need a friend And Night before exams. If there hadn’t been Lucio’s irony, genius and madness, these songs wouldn’t exist.”

«Long live Italy as a whole»

In the end he arrives also Sangiuliano (who “due to institutional commitments” stays very little). «I respect Venditti – he says – Just to listen to him, I went to the Unity DayI would never have done it.” And he adds: «I consider him a great artist who has told my story well generationwith intellectual honesty and expressing great values. They were also fearful years…” Venditti interrupts him. «Why are you talking in the past tense? Today we celebrate something that has 40 years but it’s not over, it’s there continuation of a life». Sangiuliano: «I have no doubts, there is a great future ahead. Long live Antonello Venditti!». The singer-songwriter replies: «Long live Italy. But all of Italyas my friend says De Gregori. All whole and free.”

«I have never stopped being a student»

To him who doesn’t want to be called master (“I have never stopped being a student») ask him for a comment on the clashes between university students and police. «School must be free – he underlines – If there is a sacred place dedicated to freedom of expression it is school. The police should accompany democracy. In a Democratic country police establishes public order and not the public disorder».

Wars and the future

There is also space for a student’s question on wars and the future. «It’s not a good prospect to sing a world full of wars – says Antonello – My generation had an idea globalist of the world, now it seems to me we are talking about war or peace depending on your interests. Most states are murderers, it is a failure of international institutions, starting fromUN. Whoever makes peace first wins because it marks a principle: it begins shake hands instead of a punch»

The concerts and the reprint of «Cuore»

The live project is entitled «Night Before the exams 1984-2024 40th Anniversary» with a special preview at the Verona Arena on 19 May and then with three concerts at the Baths of Caracalla in Rome on 18, 19 and 21 June, coinciding with the start of the final exams. Then will come a summer tour and, in December, five sports halls. Heartpublished in 1984, will have a new reissue «Cuore 40th Anniversary Edition», out on June 14th, with all the songs remastered and a unpublished, Say a word , on the music of the piece Say Something by the American duo A Great Big World, which will be published on May 10th.

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