“I won’t do like Rai”. Another Ghali controversy: the jab in the new song

“I won’t do like Rai”. Another Ghali controversy: the jab in the new song
“I won’t do like Rai”. Another Ghali controversy: the jab in the new song

New song, another controversy. Ghali he doesn’t give up and, still on a war footing due to the dynamics that characterized the last Sanremo Festival, he has decided to go back to teasing the Rai. She did it by posting on her profile Instagram a passage from his latest song entitled Paprika. In the few seconds posted on the social network, one can clearly hear a scathing passage towards public television, mentioned explicitly and with a reference that seems to be the result of what happened on the stage of the Ariston Theater for the song My home and above all for the interventions on the “genocide“.

You can tell me what you want, I won’t do like Rai“, can be heard in the short film. A vocal jab at public television not only due to the storm raised by the words spoken at Sanremo 2024, but probably also due to the recent controversy over the Antonio Scurati case. Which would not represent anything new in the usual red script, given that the left still continues to cry out for censorship towards the writer. The refrain is always the same: TeleMeloni, occupation of the public service, dominance in television, little space reserved for opposition parties.

Ghali’s words will have the undisputed effect of arousing joy in the souls of those who maintain that – following the victory of the coalition formed by Fratelli d’Italia, Lega and Forza Italia – Rai would be occupied by the centre-right and that the censorships would be part of who knows what plan to silence journalists and commentators who do not find themselves in the same line as the current government led by Giorgia Meloni. While there are those who, worried about an authoritarian drift, continue to raise alarms about the imminent return of fascism in our country.

After participating in the Sanremo Festival, Ghali became one of the many symbolic champions of a left that, without wasting time, glorified him and identified him as a well-known figure from which to start again. As if that alone were enough to revive the fortunes of a political coalition rejected by Italians in the elections of 25 September 2022. Also because that “stop the genocide“ended up splitting the red front even further: on the one hand, those who defined it”real Italian” and sanctified it in no time; on the other hand, who would have appreciated clear words of condemnation against the Hamas massacre and declarations of solidarity with the Israeli people for the attack suffered on 7 October. Too complicated.

Certainly easier to lash out against Rai.

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