“Peppino Impastato” award to the “A NAME LORO” association

The “Peppino Impastato” Award this year will be awarded to the association that created the “IN THEIR NAME” event on February 24, 2023 shortly after the capture of Matteo Messina Denaro. Born from an idea of ​​the musician Sade Mangiaracina, the event will be repeated next May 25th at the Selinunte Archaeological Park. “For the very high civil and cultural value of the concert-event organized in places that have been asphyxiated by mafia domination for too long” we read in the note with which the Castelvetrano-based association received communication of the award.

The delivery ceremony will take place on May 8th at the Cinisi cinema, organized by the “Musica e cultura” association (president Except Ruvolo) and of “Casa memoria Impastato” (president Luisa Impastato). The evening will be hosted by Martina Martorano and will see the participation of two other award winners, Antonella Delli Gatti and Manlio Marinelli for the show “The sea on horseback” and of Marlene Kuntz for the precious contribution with which they helped keep Peppino’s memory alive with the song “E lui cantava” and for the album Karma Clima. For “On behalf of them” some members of the association will collect the prize.

The Award, now in its 14th edition, is a recognition awarded to artists who characterize their creative path and cultural with a strong component of ethical and social commitment, for the promotion of equality, pacifism, ecology and freedom as founding values ​​of social, political and cultural renewal. Over the years the Award has been awarded to: Ascanio Celestini, Carmen Consoli, Alessandro Mannarino, Don Andrea Gallo, Vauro, Teresa Mannino, Roy Paci, Daniele Sepe and Modena City Ramblers.

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